That Wasnt Ty

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The next morning.....

Mitch's POV

I had only been up for a half an hour, but that didn't stop Ssundee from bursting in my room.

"Dood! Seriously, it's like six thirty in the morning!" I exclaimed, having been jolted from my half-asleep state by him.

"Doesn't matter right now." He says. "Brotato's calling in."

"How did I not hear the bell?" I question. I may not be a light sleeper, but I'm woken up by things like that.

"Maybe Jerome's rubbing off on you, dood." Ssundee grinned.

I return his smile. "Maybe."

"Let's go, Mitch. Everyone except Jerome is waiting."

"Shouldn't Jerome be there, too?" I ask him.

"Why do you think I'm holding a bucket?"

I looked at his hand, and saw that he did have a bucket filled to the top with water.

"I'm always out of it in the mornings.." I mumble, and follow Ssundee out of my room.

I head to the call station, while Ssundee goes to wake up Jerome.

When I get there, everyone's still in their pajamas, but smiling.

We all know that Brotato's close. He's probably calling to give us an update.

"Morning, Mitch." Quentin smiles.

"Hey, fish." I say.

"I am not a fish!" He exclaims, and we all laugh.

"Even in the mornings, Mitch can't be any less obnoxious." Jason jokes.

I fake a pout. "That hurt, Jason. That hurt right here." I say, pointing to my heart.

Not ten seconds later, Ssundee appears in the doorway, being followed by a soaking wet Jerome.

"Seriously. Stop drenching me in freezing water to wake me up, guys." Jerome says.

"It's the only way you get a shower." I grin mischievously, and he returns it, but not before shoving me a little.

"Shut up."

Sky presses the "Receive Call" button, and Brotato appears on the screen, looking bored. His face lights up when he sees us.

"Finally! I've been waiting for like, twenty minutes!" He says.

I spot Shane behind him, and the other girl, Hope. I'm not sure if she's on board with the whole army thing, though, because her arms are crossed and she's scowling at the back of Brotato's head. My brother, on the other hand, is smiling.
(A/N: Yes, I know that Mitch's real brother is named Connor, but imtheboss777 wanted his character to be Mitch's brother. Just an FYI for those of you who were wondering)

"Where are you guys?" Ssundee asks.

"How does right in front of the gate sound?" He grins.

"Really?" I ask, and I can't keep the excitement out of my voice.

"Yeah." Brotato answers. "See you in a bit."

The screen goes black as Brotato presses a button to end the call.

"I'm going to go get them." I say.

"Alright. I'm going to stay here, I've got some work to do." Sky says, which makes Jason frown.

"Sky, you need to get some sleep. You've been up all night." He says.

Sky looks taken aback. "How did you know?" He asks Jason.

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