I'll Be Fine

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Sky's POV

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I mutter to myself as I race through the hallway. It was stupid of me to leave Ssundee alone with someone when I knew perfectly well that nothing had happened with him for weeks.

Mabe my brain was tricked into thinking that he might be getting over it.

Leave it to someone getting hurt to prove my brain wrong.

Seriously, though. How the heck was Ssundee able to knock someone out? I mean, we're talking about Ssundee here. He's good with a sword, and a bow, but this guy's hardest punch could barely bruise someone, much less knock them out cold on the first shot.

I finally make it to the door that leads out to the tower, and shove it open.

Ssundee's pacing back and forth, and A...

Is gone.

"Where's A?" I ask Ssundee, startling him out of his pacing.

"Oh, it's just you. Jason came and took her back to the hospital."

"Leave it to that guy and his jetpack." I smile, which Ssundee returns. He smiles! Yes!

"Yeah. He works fast."

"Ssundee, if A's in the hospital, she's gonna be ok. Why are you still pacing?" I ask him, confused.

He immediatly stopped. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not, Ssundee." I said, moving over to where he was. "Why are you so worked up?"

He looked away from me. "I don't like this. I don't like that I can instantly turn into someone I'm not."

"I don't blame you." I say. "But it's okay, Ssundee. You'll be fine."

He turns toward me, looking me dead in the eye. "That's just it." He says. "I'll be fine. Even though someone else may not be, because of me. I'm going to die someday, Sky. I don't want to be remembered as that guy who would randomly go murder-psycho on people."

Now it was my turn to look at the floor.

"And you know what else?" Ssundee continues. "I have a theory. What if... they did this to me? What if they did this on purpose, so I'm a murder machine whenever they want me to be?"

I look up. That was not something I thought of.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if they're completly in control of when I go psycho? Remember that time when I went psycho in the middle of that battle?"

I do. I doubt I'll ever forget it, too. We were in the middle of one of our biggest battles yet, and then halfway through it, Ssundee went nuts and started attacking players on our side. No one died, but it made the army think that Ssundee's a psycho.

Which he's not. But that doesn't change the fact that some recruits don't trust him.

"We've just got to hope that they're not." I say.


Short chapter today, guys, sorry! Here's a smiley face to make it better: :D

Do you think the squids are in control of Ssundee?

Also, I'm thinking of making a Supernatural fan fiction for all you Supernatural fans out there. What do you think?

Secret phrase to comment: The pancake apocalypse has begun.

(Thank you, Supernatural side of tumblr for that phrase)


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