What Team?

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Sky's POV

I'm just leaving the Team Crafted house to go to training when A rushes up to me.

"Sky...Jason...gate...bleeding...problem." She's breathing heavily in between every word, my guess is that she ran the whole way here.

"Woah, A, what? What's going on?"

She finally catches her breath, and looks me dead in the eye. "Jason came back. He's at the gate, and he's bleeding really badly...he says the rest of the Supply Squad are dead. I think we've got a serious problem on our hands."

"Sounds like it." I agree, and I'm off for the gate, with A at my heels.

*ten minues later or however long it takes to get to the gate. I don't know. You think I keep track of this stuff?*

"Jason!"  see him at the gate, collapsed on the ground. He raises his head at the sound of his name.

How in the Nether has no one else noticed him?

Must be the author forgetting to write in more people noticing him.

Oops. Sorry about that. Let me switch that.

Wait, no. There was a crowd surrounding him. There was a small gap that I could him through.

I shove through the crowd. Everyone's trying to ask him questions. I see Red at the corner of the crowd, keeping Lily and Josh back from the scene.

"Guys, let him breathe." I say, and the crowd immediately goes silent.

"Jason, can you hear me?"

All he does is slowly nod, like it pains him to do anything else.

"What happened?"

"Darklox...." He says, his voice shaking, and then he passes out.

**six hours later**

Jason's POV (so many of these lately XD)

My eyes slowly opened, and I saw the white ceiling of my room. The last thing I remember was A, running away, probably to go get some help.

My head aches, and I feel like I've been dead for a year.

...I haven't, have I?

I sit up, and my arms and legs sting a little, but it's not the blinding pain I remember.

Suddenly, the door opens, and Jerome's head peeks around the corner. His face lights up when he sees me, and he shuts the door, leaving, but I can hear his footsteps running through the halls, and his voice calling, "He's awake!"

Before I can blink, everyone's in here. Sky, Ty, Jerome, Quentin, Ssundee, even Mitch showed up.

"How long have I been out?" That's the first thing I want to know. "Did I miss anything?"

"You've only been out for six hours, Jason. You didn't miss anything." Ty says, smiling.

It's the first time I've seen him smile in a long time.

"Jason, what in the Nether happened out there?" Quentin asks, a concerned look on his face. No doubt in my mind that A told them about the Supply Squad.

"You sure you want to know?" I reply, giving a small smile.

They all nod, but the looks on their faces are grim. They know it's going to be something bad.

"Well, everything was fine until we were coming back. Bridget got shot in the back from behind, right where her heart was. She died instantly.  We all assumed it was a skeleton, since they're the only mobs that can shoot arrows."

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