We'd Need A Miracle

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Sky's POV

I can't afford to stay in the same place for too long. An arrow will find my head too easily if I do.

"You know, I was expecting a thank-you!" Darklox calls, and I would say something back, but I can't waste any air.

"I finished your job for you. I wanted all of you all to myself. Figured it would be more fun without any others trying to spoil it."

A few recruits are coming up for air, and they stare at Darklox, confused by what he's saying. He's too focused on me to notice them.

Good. The less people he kills, the better.

An arrow flies towards me, and I have to dive to the side to avoid it. It misses me by a few inches.

I feel like he's enjoying this.

"Have you wondered why all of the squids are gone?"

Some people gasp as they realize what it means. He killed all of the squids?

I see the rest of the Team surface out of the corner of my eyes, and I can see Ty's green eyes harden when he sees Darklox.

I look up at Darklox, just in time to see an arrow hit his arm. He stumbles backward, and I think for a second we might stand a chance, if we all fire at him.

But my hopes are, once again, crushed when he pulls the arrow out of hs arm without even flinching. He looks around for the person who shot it, and his eyes find her as soon as mine do.

Red's holding a bow, and an arrow is notched into place, aimed at Darklox.

"Leave him alone." She says to Darklox, but he smirks.

"This is a matter between me and your precious Team." He says, and raises his hand towards her. 

"Red! Du-" I try to yell, but he closes his hand into a fist and she collapses, sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Ty screams, and Quentin bolts through the water to try and get to her, but something tells me she's dead.

Red is dead. The girl who saved Jason and Jerome, and in turn the rest of us, is dead.

I want to sink now. I want to sink so everything can go away, and I don't have to face Lily and Josh, and I don't have to watch anyone else die.

But I need to stay strong. Especially now, when people's lives are at stake, and when others are counting on me.

"And as for the rest of you," Darklox says, addressing the rest of the recruits. "You aren't worth my time right now. I will deal with you later." He lifts his hand again.

Some people are quick enough and duck underwater in time, but most aren't so lucky. They disappear before our eyes.

The ones who were quick enough resurface, and I recognize all of them. It's the Brotato, his friend Shelby, A, Darkclaw, and Rose.

That's it. I guess they were the only ones to get far enough underwater.

I swim over to Ty. "How are we supposed to beat him?" I ask.

"I'm trying to remember, I really am." He thinks for a second, and then looks up. "You could surprise him from the back, but you'd need something that could hold him. Kind of how my old headphones did."

"So...we'd need a miracle." I say, and he nods.


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