I'm Freaking Out

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Sky's POV

I stood there, frozen. It's like my brain couldn't process what had just happened.

Mitch got there first. Unlike me, he didn't freeze. He just picked up Ty and ran for the hospital, with no words.

It takes Jason and Rose landing next to me- I notice they're hand-in-hand, but I don't question it- to unfreeze me.

"What happened?" Rose asks.

"Ty... He blacked out... Mitch took him to the hospital..." I say.

"Anything happen before that?" Jason asks.

Now I have to options here. One, tell them what Ty said, or two, don't.

I consider not telling them, but then I realized something. These are my best friends. If I've gone so far as to lying to them is more natural then telling the truth, I've gone way off the good path.

I've been spending way too much time ignoring my friends. That's got to stop. Now.

"He was shaking really badly... and he looked up at me when I got there... And he asked me to help him...and then he was out." I say, my own voice starting to shake a little.

Everyone else was here now, and I continued.

"I could hear it, guys. I could see it in his eyes. He's broken." I sniffed.

He was broken and I did nothing to help. I wasn't there to keep him from breaking.

"Wait..." Darkclaw said, looking around. "Where's Ssundee and A?"

I looked. They weren't there.

"Maybe they haven't gotten here yet." Quentin points out, always on the good side of things.

It's a five minute run from the towers to here." Red points out.

"Yeah, there's no way they just haven't made it here yet." Jerome agrees.

I have a sudden realization. I left my walkie-talkie up in the towers. A was alone with Ssundee.

What if something happened?

"I'm getting my walkie-talkie. Be right back." I say, and race off to the towers.

I burst through the doors and shove through a few players to get to my lookout station.

I'm scared at what I will find.

Sure enough, when I get to my lookout station, my walkie-talkie is lying on the ground, but I hear a panicked voice coming through it.

"Sky? Sky! Sky!"

I know that voice all too well.

I pick up the walkie-talkie and press the talk button.

"Ssundee? What is it?"

"Sky, thank Notch. I'm freaking out, man." His voice sounds staticky over the walkie-talkie.

"Why, what is it?" I ask.

"We've got a problem."

"Yeah, I get that, what is it?"

"I sort of had an episode..."

I can feel the color drain from my face. "What happened, Ssundee?"

"I don't know! One minute, I'm getting ready to chase after you, next, I wake up in fetal position on the ground, and A's unconscious next to me! I'm freaking out!"

His voice is extremely panicky now. "Ssundee, it's gonna be alright."

"No, it's not! She's not breathing or anything!" He yells.

"Ssundee. I'll be there as soon as I can, calm down."

"I can't calm down! I might have killed her! I might have killed someone!" He shouts.

"Shh, Ssundee-"

"No! You know how I feel right now? No, you don't. I might have killed an innocent girl, I might have killed one of my best friends!" He yells.

"Ssundee, I'm going to hang up. I'll be right there, I promise." I say, and hang up.

I switch the talkie to contact Jason, and press the talk button. "Jason?"

Please answer, please answer, please answer....

"Yeah? Sky, is everything ok?" Jason's voice sounds staticky.

"Not so much." I answer.

"What happened?" He questions.

I know I don't have much time, so I put it as simply as possible. "Ssundee. Episode. A. Unconscious. We need you guys up here now."

"We'll be right there." He says, and then all I hear is white noise as I run to Ssundee and A's lookout spot.

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