Everyone's sick part 4 (final)

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The 5 boys were lying on hospital beds suffering from a very bad stomach virus. They​ all had different symptoms; Louis had awful stomach cramps and throwing up blood every so often, Niall had bad diarrhoea and had to keep running to the hospital rooms bathroom, Zayn had a headache and cramps, harry was fading in and out of consciousness and Liam was throwing up uncontrollably. They were all suffering and lily had no power in helping them. She sat next to Louis's bed holding​ his hand while he silently cried into his pillow. "It hurts!" He kept sobbing and lily would nod in understanding and kiss his hand.

Niall stumbled out of the bathroom holding his stomach "oh Niall that stinks!" Liam growled as he clutched his bucket​. "Sorry lads. My stomach isn't feeling the best right now. You guys have it easy you can have buckets​. I'm not shitting in a bucket thank you very much. So I'm stuck on the toilet for a whole hour at a time" niall said as he made his way back to bed.

Lily looked over to harry and saw him twist and turn in his sleep. He then cried out and started thrashing about. Liam went to get up but lily glared at him "don't you dare!" She ordered and Liam stopped "he needs me" Liam said looking down sadly at his lap. "Lily you go" Louis said and lily looked down at him "you sure?" She asked and he nodded.

Lily walked over to Harry's bed and sat on the chair next to it. "Shh" she whispered softly as she ran her hands through his sticky hair. He began to settle but then sat forward and screamed. "NO!" He cried as he looked around him frantically. "Harry calm down" Lily cooed and harry looked at her with tears in his eyes "you guys left me! The doctor said I was going to die and you guys just shrugged and left me there in the bed all alone" he said and then began crying into lily's shoulder. "No baby! Calm down. We would never do that to you" Liam said from his bed. Harry looked at him and nodded slowly. He then made grabby hands towards Liam like a little kid "I want libear!" He whined. Lily shook her head "you can't hazza. You and Liam are sick" she said. "No it's fine I'll..." Was all Liam could say before he bent over his bucket and threw up violently.

The door opened and Dr Anderson walked into the room with a clipboard​ "how are you all feeling?" He asked and got groans in response. The doctor nodded and looked over to lily "you really shouldn't​ be in here when these boys are so ill" he said. But lily shook her head while still cradling harry "I'm not leaving them" she said and the doctor nodded.

But finally after a few days in the hospital the boys were well enough to go home. "Finally!" Louis yawned as he walked out the hospital entrance while stretching his arms above his head. The other boys nodded as they made their way to the van that was going to drive them back home.

When they got home the boys all decided to go to bed because they were still exhausted from the past few days. Louis rapped an arm around lily's shoulder and walked them to their bedroom where they cuddled on the bed until they fell asleep in each others arms.

In the middle of the night lily woke up confused of why she was actually awake. She went to look at the clock on her nightstand but when she moved a pain shot through​ her stomach. That's why she was awake. She winced as she slowly sat up and dangled her legs over the side of the bed. Lily, being a small framed person, wriggled off of the bed and slowly walked to the bathroom to grab some pain relievers from the cabinet. She turned on the light and closed the door so the light wouldn't wake Louis up.

She crept over to the cabinet and grabbed the box of pills but whimpered as it was empty. 'louis must have taken them all when he was sick' she thought to herself. She was about to go back to bed when her stomach lurched and she scurried over to the toilet. She put her head into the bowl and took some deep breaths to try and get rid of this nauseous feeling.

Lily let a single tear roll down her pale face as she sat in the bathroom alone. "Babe? You ok in there?" Louis knocked from the other side of the door. "Yeah I'm fine Lou" lily said as convincingly as possible. "You sure? You've been in there a while" Louis said sounding worried. "Yeah I'm goo..." Was all lily could say before she gagged. "Lily let me in" Louis ordered. "Why?" Lily asked. "Because you aren't ok." He argued. "I'm fine."
"Lily you just gagged."
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did. Let me in now!" He said "Please lily? I want to help" louis pleaded.

Lily unlocked the door and Louis walked in and then rushed to her side and took her in his arms. "What's wrong honey?" He asked. Lily snuggled into his side and closed her eyes, letting out another tear "I woke up to my stomach hurting so I came in here to take some pills but the box was empty. So I was going to come back to bed when I felt really nauseous. Everytime I went to get up my stomach protested" lily said softly. Louis rubbed his hand up and down her arm comfortingly and kissed her forehead "I think you caught the stomach bug me and the lads had" he cooed. Lily nodded and then jumped over to the toilet and leaned into the bowl.

She let out a sob as her stomach cramped and her head pounded. "Just let it out baby. It's not good to hold it in" Louis whispered into her ear as she swallowed thickly. She shook her head but her stomach said otherwise and brought up the food she had eaten that day. "Good girl lily, you're doing well babe" Louis comforted.

After a few minutes lily finished and leaned into Louis and closed her eyes, exhausted. "Let's get you to bed hun" louis said scooping his sick girlfriend up in his arms and taking her to bed. "I'm going to go and ask one of the boys for some pills ok?" He asked and she smiled at him with tears in her eyes "thanks babe" she choked through silent tears.

Louis walked out of the room and walked over to Harry's and Liam's room to ask for some medicine. He knocked on the door and after a few moment of silence Louis heard soft footsteps and Liam opened the door and glared at him "dude! It's 2:45 in the morning! What the hell do you want?" He whispered harshly. Louis smiled apologetically "sorry but lily is ill and we've ran out of pain killers" he said. Liam's face softened "oh my god! Sorry man, yeah I'll get some" he said and shuffled back into the room.

When Louis got back to his room with the medicine lily was in the bathroom leaning over the toilet again. "Louis!" She sobbed and Louis rushed to her aid. "I'm here lil. It's ok" he said as he took some pills from the box and put them in her mouth. "Come on. You need to rest" he said and carried her back to bed.

In the morning Louis took lily into the living room so he could try and get her to eat some toast. "Please lily? I need you to eat or you'll have nothing to threw up. It'll only be stomach acid and that'll burn your throat" Louis explained but lily protested. "I don't want to!" She whined and turned away. "What's going on?" Niall asked as he walked in and sat next to lily who was clutching her stomach. "Lily's sick. I'm trying to get her to eat something" Louis said. Niall looked t the stubborn female and sighed "lily what did you tell us when we were all sick?" He asked. "To eat something" she muttered and sighed and took the toast. Louis grinned and kissed her forehead "thank you baby" he said and went to get her a drink.

Lily was crying into Louis's chest as he stomach cramped and growled. All the boys looked at her sympathetically "aw lily" they all cooed and she looked up at them and whimpered. She then sat up right and bit her bottom lip. She stood up slowly and started speed walking to the downstairs bathroom. Louis began to follow but she turned to him and shook her head.

Louis turned to the others in confusion "why doesn't she want me to come?" He asked. Niall walked forward "I think she has my symptom" he said. Louis then realised and sighed "my poor baby" he cooed.

After a couple of days of nurturing from the boys, lily was all better.

1D sickfics/Omorashi/Hurtfics/EmbarrassingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu