lactose intolerant (niall)

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The boys were in an ice-cream parlor looking at the menu's. "What does everyone want?" Liam asked. "I'll have a banana split" Louis said. "Mint chocolate chip please" harry said. "I'll have chocolate and vanilla" Zayn said. "The chocolate fudge sundae and a banana milkshake please!" Niall said happily. Liam looked at the Irish boy with a frown "are you sure you'll eat it all? The sundae is pretty big" he explained. Harry and Louis laughed "this is Niall we're talking about. He'll eat anything!" Harry giggled. Liam shrugged and went up to the counter to order.

After they had done eating they decided to walk around the city for a bit seeing as how they had the rest of the day to themselves. Harry suggested that they go and try some outfits for a concert they had coming up. All the boys agreed and they walked into men's life (a clothing shop I came up with). Niall walked over to the shirts while the others walked over to the jeans. He looked at a white sleeveless top with the American flag on it (the one at the top).

After looking in the shop for a while the boys went over to where niall had been looking at shirts and saw he wasn't there. "He's probably in the changing rooms" Zayn said and they all nodded and took the jeans they had picked out and went to try them on. "Babe? You here?" Zayn asked as he walked over to the only locked door.

Niall was sat on the chair in the changing room with a hand resting on his now upset stomach. A couple of minutes ago it had started to hurt but he thought he could distract himself by trying on some clothes. But now it was really starting to bug him. "Babe? You here?" Asked his boyfriend from the other side of the door. "Yeah I'm in here" he said and stood up. "Can I come in?" Zayn asked and Niall unlocked the door. 

Zayn walked in and smiled at his cute blonde boyfriend. He walked over and kissed him on the lips while rapping his arms around his waist. Niall kissed back and put his arms around his neck. When they pulled away Zayn frowned "you ok? You look a bit paler than usual" he said, concerned.

Niall didn't want to worry him or the other boys so he just smiled and nodded. "I guess I'm just tired from work" he said. Zayn nodded and smiled "ok. So did you find anything?" He asked. Niall grinned and showed him the white top he found. He put it on and Zayn grinned "oh my god Ni! That makes you look so sexy!" He exclaimed and kissed his boyfriend again.

Once the boys had tried on the clothes they wanted to try they all met up at the counter and everyone was looking at Niall and his pale complexion. "Hey is Niall ok?" Louis asked as he looked at the Irish boy taking deep breaths. "He said he was just tired" Zayn said but shook his head "but it looks more than just tiredness. He's been rubbing his stomach a lot" he explained. The others nodded and watched as Niall took a shaky breath that caught in his throat. He looked like he was about to cry.

"I'll go and ask him" Liam said and dumped his clothes on the counter and walked over to Niall. "Niall? You ok mate?" He asked softly as he slowly approached. "L-liam!" He choked out. Liam rushed over to him and rubbed his back "are you ok?" Liam asked, going into daddy direction mode. Niall shook his head and rapped his arms tightly around his now bloated stomach. "Do you need anything?" Liam asked and Niall nodded with a pained expression. "Z!" He cried as tears started forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Zayn!" Liam called and Zayn rushed over to see what was happening. "Everything ok?" He asked softly. Liam pointed to Niall who was now beginning to cry. "He needs you" Liam said and walked over to the other boys. Zayn rushed over to Niall and put an arm around his waist. "What's wrong boo?" He asked softly. Niall looked at him with tears now spilling freely down his cheeks "m-my t-t-tummy!" He sobbed into the crook of Zayns neck. "Aw babe! How long has it been hurting for?" He cooed rubbing his hand up and down Niall's arm to attempt to comfort him. "Around half an hour" he said quietly.

All of a sudden Niall let out a painful gag and a hand flew over his mouth. Zayn rushed over to a shop assistant and asked for a bucket and the assistant rushed off and brought back a bin. Zayn ran over to Niall, that was now sat down on a chair the boys had found for him, and shoved the bin under his chin. "No! I don't want to be sick Z!" Niall sobbed and gaged again. Niall was terrified of being sick and the thought of throwing up always made it worse. "I know babe. But you have to let it out. It'll make you feel better" Zayn said but Niall shook his head in protest.

The boys rubbed Niall's back and tried to encourage him but he wasn't taking it. "I want *swallows* to go home" Niall said and swallowed thickly. "Niall come on bud" harry said and Niall began to cry harder. He gagged and then everything began to come up. Puke poured out of his chapped lips "how could he have gotten so sick so quickly?" Louis asked. "I don't know. He was fine earlier. He started looking pale after we ate at the ice cream parlor" harry said. Zayns eyes widened "maybe he's lactose intolerant?" He exclaimed. All the boy, except Niall, thought about it. "We'll get him home and take him to the doctors tomorrow morning" Liam said and Zayn nodded and picked up his sick boyfriend and took him home to rest.

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