I gotta go potty! (kidfic, harry)

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Harry age: 4
Zayn age: 14
Niall age: 6
Liam age: 29 (daddy)
Louis age: 31 (papa)

Liam walked into Harry's room and sat on the edge of his bed and stroked his curls. "Wakey wakey boo" Liam whispered softly. "Morning daddy" harry yawned. Liam smiled and kissed Harry's forehead before getting off of the bed. Harry slowly climbed out "what do you want to wear today kiddo?" Harry toddled over to the wardrobe and pointed to a pair of light blue jeans and a red dinosaur t-shirt.

Liam brought the clothes out for harry and then left the room to give him some privacy. Harry struggled his shirt over his head and then pulled on his jeans. "Daddy!" Harry called as he walked out into the corridor and over to the bathroom. Liam snuck up behind him and scooped him up, making him squeal. "Put me down daddy!" Harry giggled as he was carried into the bathroom and set on the counter.

"Lets clean those little fangs of yours, yeah?" Liam asked as he put some toothpaste on the ninja turtle toothbrush. Harry opened his mouth and Liam started cleaning his teeth.

"Ok harry, spit" Liam said after he had finished. Harry leaned over to the sink and spat into it. "Ok bub, before we go and get some num-nums in your belly do you need to go potty?" Liam asked.

Harry was still being potty trained and would sometimes not tell anyone until it was too late. "No" harry said. Liam raised his eyebrows "are you sure? Last time you said that you had an accident" he sighed. "I'm sure!" Harry said and climbed off of the counter and made his way to the stairs. "Morning small one" Louis grinned as he picked harry up and took him down to the kitchen.

"Morning NiNi! Morning zaynie!" Harry chirped as he was carried into the kitchen and set down at the table. "Morning hazz" Niall and Zayn said.

Louis placed some toast and milk in front of harry and then went over to his seat and finished off his coffee. "Have you finished your homework yet Z?" Liam asked, walking into the room. "Yes dad" Zayn groaned and rolled his eyes. "Good boy. Now lets get ready for school" Louis smiled.

When everyone was in the car Liam turned to Harry "do you need to potty before we go hazz?" He asked. Harry thought for a moment before he shook his head and looked out the window. Liam turned back around and started the car.

When they arrived at school the kids climbed out and Liam took Harry's and Niall's hands. "See you later kids" Louis smiled and kissed them all, Zayn protesting a bit. Niall and Harry waved to Louis as they walked towards the school building. "Ok you all have a good day guys. Me and papa will be back to pick you up at 3" Liam explained.

Zayn waved and then jogged over to his friends while Niall and Harry stayed with Liam until the bell went. "Bye daddy!" Niall grinned and skipped to his class. Harry was about to walk off too before liam grabbed his hand "Harry, baby, remember if you need to go potty ask the teacher ok?" Liam said slowly. Harry nodded and kissed Liam before skipping to class.

While Harry was sat in class he felt something in his bladder. But of course Harry ignored it because right now he was doing his favourite lesson, art, and didn't want to miss any of it.

Harry was painting a green train when he felt his bladder tingle. Harry put one hand under the table and held his crotch, hoping he could hold it a little longer. "Ok class, now I want you all to bring your paintings up" the teacher smiled as she stood at the front of the class. Harry went to stand up but a squirt of pee leaked into his boxers. "Miss?" Harry said and put his hand up. "Yes Harry?" She asked. "Can I go potty please?" He asked. "Can you wait 10 minutes until the end of class?" The teacher asked and Harry nodded slowly.

5 minutes later and Harry's small bladder had almost reached capacity. He put both his hands under his desk holding his crotch but little squirts of pee were escaping and soon there was a small wet patch on the front of his jeans. "Miss I've really gotta go wee-wee!" Harry wined. The teacher sighed and let him go.

Harry ran out of the classroom and started running down the corridor and over to the toilets. But because Harry was only in the first year and hadn't been at the school that long he had accidentally gone into the big boy's bathroom. He ran over to one of the stalls and tried to climb up onto the toilet but it was too tall for him. Harry had to let go of his crotch so he could climb up onto the seat. But after he let go it opened the gates and pee started flowing out of him.

Harry started sobbing as his jeans were now completely soaked. He'd waited too long. "Hello? Are you ok?" Someone asked on the other side of the door. "Zaynie?" Harry whimpered. "Hazza?" Zayn asked. Harry opened the door and Zayn gasped at the sight of his brother. "Oh Harry what happened?"

After Harry explained what had happened Zayn took his hand and lead him to the nurses office where they called Louis to come and pick him up.

"Oh Harry" Louis sighed sympathetically as he walked into the office and over to a sniffing Harry. "You can go back to class Z I can handle it from here" Louis nodded. Zayn smiled and left the room and went back to class.

Louis took Harry home where Liam was waiting for them. Liam picked Harry up while Harry looked at him with a trembling lip. "What happened Harry?" Liam asked. "I go potty in my pants" Harry said quietly. Liam held him close and kissed his nose. "Let's give you a bath, yeah?" He asked and Harry nodded. "Just tell someone next time you need to go potty boo" Liam smiled.

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