Tummy troubles (liam)

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This request is for @onesevenstyles

One direction was in Belfast getting ready for their concert they were doing later that night. "Ok boys. There's a breakfast buffet in the hall. Grab what you want because we have a busy day today" Paul said walking into the dressing room. "YES! FOOD!" Niall cheered and then raced out of the room. "Finally! I'm so hungry" Zayn groaned and jogged out of the room.

Louis, Liam and Harry laughed at the other boys and also left to grab some food. Everyone, except Liam, grabbed a typical English breakfast while Liam made a bacon, baked beans, crumpet, butter and hash brown sandwich with a cup of coffee. "That's going to upset your belly baby" harry frowned as he watched his boyfriend take a bite out of the monstrosity and swallow it. "Nah, I'll be fine hazz. I have a stomach of steel" Liam smiled.

"Ok boys lets run through drag me down" Paul ordered as he sat down in the front row of the auditorium, that the boys were going to be preforming in later that night. They went through drag me and down and a couple of other songs before Liam excused himself to the bathroom.

Liam walked into the bathroom and over to a stall and quickly pulled down his jeans. "Oh no" Liam moaned as he rubbed his stomach and bit his lower lip as he let out a load of diarrhea into the toilet.

After a few minutes he cleaned up and left the bathroom as quickly as possible. "Hey Liam. Were you taking a shit or something" Niall laughed as Liam walked in. "Yeah sure" Liam said as sarcastically as possible but in his head he was thinking 'you don't even know'.

"Paul can we run through history please? I'm struggling with the chords" harry said sheepishly as he picked his microphone back up. "Sure" Paul smiled.

As the music started playing Niall started dancing around stupidly and the boys joined in and sung their parts. Liam was jumping around with the boys and that was upsetting his stomach. But he couldn't stop because that would cause suspicion and he didn't want to worry anyone, considering it was it so close to the concert. "Can I go grab a drink?" Liam asked after the song was over.

Paul nodded and Liam smiled and walked quickly backstage. "Does Liam seem a bit off to you?" Louis asked, worried. "Yeah he didn't seem as bouncy as usual" Zayn replied. "He's probably fine. He would tell me if he wasn't feeling good" harry nodded as he grabbed his water bottle and took a swig of it.

Liam looked in the mirror in the bathroom as he had finished his business. His face was pale and his stomach was churning. "Hey Li. What are you doing?" Louis asked as he walked in. "Oh just washing my hands" Liam smiled as he put them under a hand dryer.

Louis and Liam were walking down the corridor when Liam stopped walking and put a hand on his stomach. "You ok there mate?" Louis asked looking at Liam cringing. "Y-yeah! I'm great" he said quickly. "Li. Come on" Louis said as he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. Liam sighed and leaned against the wall closest to him. "I have a slight case of diarrhea" he mumbled, embarrassed.

Louis smiled sadly at him "oh libear" Louis cooed. Liam whimpered and walked into Louis's open arms. "Don't tell hazza" Liam whimpered. "He'll say 'I told you so'!" "Why?" "Because he said that sandwich would upset my stomach and it did" Liam muttered. Louis sighed and patted his shoulder "Liam, harry loves you. He would never tease you for being unwell. You should just tell him" he said. Liam shook his head "I'm not telling him! I'm probably done with it anyway so end of story."

When the two boys got back to the stage Paul frowned at them "what took you so long?" He asked. Louis looked at Liam and then back at Paul "we got lost" he sighed.

"Well boys we have three hours until the concert so we need to get your hair and make up done. So heard over to the dressing rooms please" head of management called, looking at his clipboard. The band nodded and went to get ready.

"Ok Liam I'll do your hair first" Lou smiled as she guided Liam to the chair next to the desk. She started brushing his hair and styling it when Liam whimpered "you ok sweetie?" Lou asked. "Mhm" Liam hummed. "Er Lou? Can I go to the bathroom please?" He asked.

Lou nodded and let him go so he could get up. Liam walked out and Lou looked at the other boys "does Liam seem a bit off to you guys?" She asked. They nodded "we can just ask him when he gets back" harry smiled.

30 minutes later and Liam still wasn't back yet and Paul was getting impatient. "Where is he? We need to do sound check" he sighed, agitated. "I know. He's been gone a while" Zayn said. At that moment Liam walked in, slightly bent over with a hand on his stomach. "Where the hell have you been?" Paul asked.

Liam looked up at harry and then quickly walked over to him and hid his face in his chest. "What's wrong Li?" Harry asked softly. "My tummy hurts. That sandwich is not going down without a fight" Liam whimpered. Harry cooed and rubbed Liams back and lead him over to the sofa. "Have you thrown up sweetie?" Harry cuddled. Liam shook his head and blushed "other end" he whispered sheepishly.

Paul walked over and harry looked at him worriedly. "What's wrong Liam?" Paul asked. Liam looked at him and blushed "my tummy hurts" he murmured. "He's got the runs" harry said plainly. Liam hit harry "Mmm!" Liam whined. "Sorry babe but he would've found out sooner or later" he sighed.

Paul frowned at Liam seeing as how he was never ill and never showed weakness. "Liam bud, will you be ok for the show later?" Paul asked. "I don't know" Liam said quietly and walked over to the sofa and lay down. "My poor baby. Do you want me to rub your belly?" Harry asked. Liam nodded and harry lay behind him, spooning him, and started rubbing.

Zayn, Niall and Louis sat in front of the sofa and looked sympathetically at Liam. "Are you ok Li?" Niall asked. Liam shook his head and screwed his eyes shut. "Ok I'm going to move the concert to another night" Paul smiled sadly. Liam nodded in gratitude and snuggled into harry.

The boys got in the van and drove to the hotel they were staying at. "Harry please hurry up!" Liam whined desperately. Harry quickly unlocked their hotel rooms door. Liam rushed in and over to the bathroom. "You ok in their boo?" Harry called.

Liam groaned in response as his stomach cramped and diarrhea splashed into the toilet bowl with an unpleasant splash (ew, I know). "I'll go and grab you some pills Liam" harry said and went over to his suitcase and grabbed some anti-diarrheal medicine.

He then quickly went back to the bathroom where there was the sound of the toilet flushing. Liam opened the door and stumbled out "thanks" he whimpered as harry passed him the pills.

Harry then guided him to bed where he cuddled with him for the rest of the day, Liam having to ran to the bathroom several times. But the next morning he woke up feeling a lot better and was able to do the concert that night.

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