Bloated (Liam)

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Liam woke up at around 2am to his stomach cramping. He didn't feel sick or need the toilet, well he did have to pee, he just felt gassy and full of air. He slowly sat up and tried not to wake his curly haired boyfriend. He let out a quiet moan as his stomach protested against the movements.

Liam finally stood up and tiptoed to the bathroom, so not to wake the rest of the household. When he finally reached the bathroom he went for a piss and then looked through the cabinet for some stomach relaxers. Sadly they were out so he'd just have to tough it out.

He decide to go back to bed and try and sleep it off. "Babe? That you?" Harry mumbled sleepily as Liam slipped back into bed. "Yeah, sorry if I woke you" Liam apologised. "Its fine" harry said and quickly curled into his side. They lay there for a few minutes until Liams stomach let out a low moan. "Your tummy upset Li?" Harry frowned as he looked up at Liams pained expression. "Yeah that's why I got up. I was going to take something for my stomach but we've run out" Liam shrugged and closed his tired eyes.

"Want a tummy rub?" Harry asked, now fully awake and concerned from Liams health. "Please?" Liam asked and harry smiled and started rubbing big soothing circles over, what seemed to be bloated, stomach. Harry rubbed and accidentally pushed down on it making Liam whimper. "Please don't push hazza" he strained and held back the tears that were threatening to fall. "I'm sorry baby" harry apologised and rubbed more carefully.

Liam was eventually able to fall asleep and harry joined him. They slept until around 7:45 when Liam was rudely awoken by yelling from downstairs. "You awake Liam?" Harry mumbled groggily from beside him. "I'm am now" Liam sighed and sat up but groaned when he felt his round midsection. "is your tummy still bothering you babe?" Harry asked. Liam only nodded and slowly climbed out of bed. Now that Liam was standing up harry could see how bloated his boyfriend really was. This made Liam self-conscious and grab a baggie jumper to try and hide it.

Harry and Liam made their way downstairs to Niall and Louis playing on the xbox (Zayn's not in this one). "Morning" harry said, catching the attention of the two boys. "Oh morning curly. Morning Payno" Louis greeted. Niall just waved, not taking his eyes off the screen. "Are you guys hungry? I made pancakes" Louis paused their intense game of call of duty. "Yeah, sounds good" harry grinned but Liam shook his head "not hungry" he mumbled. Louis and Niall frowned "you feeling ok mate?" Niall asked.

Liam shook his head, his stomach was cramping badly and he felt really gassy which made him very embarrassed. Harry rapped an arm around his boyfriends waist and kissed his temple. "He's got a tummy ache" he explained. "Aw libear" Louis pouted sympathetically "do you want some medicine?"

"We've run out" Liam whimpered and hid his face in Harrys neck. "Lie on the sofa baby, I'll get you some nice, hot tea. Ok?" Harry said softly. Liam nodded and went and lay on the sofa with his head resting on Nialls lap.

Niall played with liams hair and tried to get him comfy by rubbing his round belly. Not commenting on how bloated it felt because he knew Liam was self-conscious about it. Harry made him a cup of tea and then cuddled with him. Luckily they didn't have anything to do that day.

They lay their for a while before Liam got up "where you going beautiful?" Harry frowned. "toilet" Liam said and left, not wanting anyone to come with him. He locked the bathroom door and sat down. He didn't need to go but he was gassy so thought he would feel better if he let it out. He didn't want to do that in front of his boyfriend and best friends.

After 10 minutes his stomach had deflated alot and he felt better but still a bit uncomfortable. He cleaned up and went back to the sitting room where the boys were watching a movie. Liam climbed onto the sofa and cuddled into Harrys side "feeling better?" Harry asked quietly. Liam nodded and watched the movie.

I am so sorry that I haven't updated. I've been really caught up with school, but its half term now so I have time to write. I really hope you enjoyed this and if you have any requests then just let me know. BYE!!!

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