Disagreeing dinner

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Harry pushed open the door to the bathroom at the studio. He placed a hand on his twisting stomach and walked over to one of the stalls. He locked the door behind him and pulled off his tight jeans, relieving some of pain he was experiencing from the waistband pushing into his bloated abdomen. He sat on the cold Porcelain seat with a grunt "fuuuuck" he moaned as his stomach let out a painful growl that echoed throughout the empty bathroom.

The night before the boys had gone out for dinner, tired of the same old hotel vending machine food. While walking they had stumbled across a sketchy looking food truck, their hunger clouding their judgement. And now, it seemed harry was paying the price.

Harry grunted again and pushed to expel whatever was in his system making his stomach so grumbly and upset. However all that came out was a painful squeaky fart that bounced off the sides of the empty toilet bowel and made it sound louder than it actually was. "Come on" Harry muttered and pushed on his stomach, wanting to feel any sort of relief. He felt something and pushed hard, only produced a small nugget that plopped into the water below.

Harry sighed in defeated and reached to get some toilet paper when he let out another squeaky fart which alerted him that he wasn't finished. Harry rested his elbows on his knees and placed his head on top, pushing every now and again.

After a few minutes the bathroom door opened and harry heard two sets of footsteps enter. "You sure you're feeling OK mate? You're looking awfully pale" the rich Irish accent of niall asked. "My stomachs been bothering me all morning" louis replied and splashed water cold water on his face before placing a hand on his groaning stomach. "Oooh" he moaned and looked over at the stalls.

"Give me a minute" he said and entered the one neighbouring harrys, who had stayed very quiet hoping no one would hear him. Louis pulled his trousers to his ankles and sat heavily on the toilet, farting instantly.

Louis started to release his bowels into the toilet and harry felt a little jealous as all he could produce at the moment were tight wet farts. "Oh fuck" louis groaned as sweat formed on his brow and the watery logs turned to diarrhea. Niall cringed from outside the stalls, feeling bad for his friend but also curious to who was in the other stall.

Harrys stomach twisted and he could definitely feel the shit that was blocking everything up slowly making its way down to the exit. He clenched his butt cheeks, hoping not to get caught by his two bandmates who were in close proximity to him.

Louis was not having a good time as rounds of diarrhea came straight after each other. "Oh ni" he moaned, "this is horrible" he rapped his arms tightly around his middle and prayed to the gods for it to be over.

To his relief though it did start to slow down after a few minutes and soon he was able to wipe and flush. He exited the stalls and walked over to the sinks to wash his hands and splash his face again. Niall patted his shoulder and looked over at the still occupied stall.

Now that Louis's commotion had stopped harrys stomach and farts had become audible again but the poor boy couldn't hold it back any longer. He had started to push involuntarily again and the log that was jammed in him was slowly started to make an appearance. Harry whimpered quietly, wanting niall and louis to leave so that he could suffer alone.

"Who is that" niall whispered to Louis who's attention was now also on the door. "No clue, but they were here before we were. So who knows how long they've been in there" he whispered back. Niall being the nosey boy he was got onto the floor and peered underneath the gap to see harrys vans. He stood up and knocked on the door "hazza, mate, you in there?" He asked.

Harry rapped his arms around his stomach and didn't say a word. Unfortunately his body spoke for him and the log splashed loudly into the toilet. He was on the verge of tears from the relief of finally making some progress but also the complete embarrassment. In the band harry was always the most shy when it came to bathroom habits. The others would happily use the urinals next to each other while harry still struggled to go while in a stall by himself. So this for him was very uncomfortable and he just wished for some privacy and for this to be over.

"H? You dead in there?" Louis walked over and stood next to niall who was right outside the door. "Go away!" Harry finally said and the floodgates of his tears broke open. Louis and niall looked at each other before leaving the bathrooms so not to upset the boy any further.

Once harry heard the door fall closed he pushed to get everything else out. He felt bad for shouting at his friends but right now his stomach felt worse. He released everything in his bowels, and probably more, for what felt like hours (20 minutes).

When he was empty, harry cleaned himself up with the toilet paper, barely having enough, and then exited the stall that he thought he'd have to live in. He washed his hands and vacated the bathrooms to see niall and louis waiting outside for him.

Harry sniffled and wiped his eyes on his long shirt sleeve. Louis rapped his arms around the poor boy "didnt know you were feeling poorly this morning too bubba" he cooed and kissed his sweaty curls. Harry just replied with a whimper and cuddled into Louis's chest. Even though the boys weren't an item they were still very close and it wasn't unfamiliar for Liam and niall and the staff of the studio to see the two of them cuddling and calling each other cute nicknames.

"How about we head back to the hotel room hmm? I bet your tummy isn't feeling 100% still is it?" Louis asked and harry nodded in agreement, really wanting his bed and blanket.

(I know its been a while but here we go! Another story. I know its a bit different but I hoped you liked it and if you have any requests then just let me know!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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