Bad tummy (Harry)

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This request is for ilangel1

Harry: 10
Zayn: daddy
Niall: papa
Liam: 11 (friend)
Louis: 10 (friend)

"Are you sure your feeling up to going to school today bubba?" Zayn asked softly as harry came out of the bathroom for the 4th time that morning. "Yes daddy, I wanna go" harry said with pleading eyes. Harry had eaten something yesterday that had really upset his tummy, sending him to the toilet quite frequently. But he loved school and really didn't want to miss anything especially today as they were doing partner projects and harry was hoping to work with Louis, his crush.

"Ok darling" zayn sighed "but if you start to feel really bad then go to the nurse and I'll come and pick you up" he explained. Harry nodded and went to grab his school bag. "You're seriously letting him go?" Niall asked angrily. "If he get worse I told him to tell someone to call me" zayn said. Niall rolled his eyes and went to kiss harry goodbye before going to get ready for work.

"Bye baby, have a good day" Niall kissed harry on the lips and gave him a tight hug, which didn't feel good on Harrys tummy. "Bye papa" harry mumbled, trying to keep the tears from falling. Niall ruffled his hair before going upstairs to shower.

Harry put on his shoes and then got into the car with Zayn. The drive was a bit difficult on Harrys belly, but he felt like he could handle it. "Have a good day bubba and remember if you feel bad, go to the nurse" zayn kissed Harrys forehead. "Ok daddy" harry said quietly and got out of the car.

"Ok class, today we have our art project. I have your partners and you're going to either make a collage, painting or make something of clay" Mrs Smith smiled. She went through her list until there was only four kids left: Liam, Harry, Louis and Ryan. "Liam and Ryan and then harry and Louis" she said.

'yes!' Harry thought as Louis came and sat next to him. "Hi" Louis smiled. "H-hey" harry said nervously. "So which one do you want to do?" Harry just shrugged and rubbed his crampy tummy. "Lets do a valentines day collage" Louis smiled. (valentines is going to be in a few days).

Harry nodded and helped Louis grab some card, scissors, glue and magazines to start there projects. Once everyone had gotten their equipment and settled down Mrs Smith came and crouched next to Harrys desk. "Your daddy has emailed me saying that you've got a bad tummy, so tell me if you start to feel bad or need to go to the bathroom ok" She said kindly. Harry nodded and then carried on flipping through the magazine Louis had given him to look for thing to use for their collage.

Harry felt a little better for a while as the project was a good distraction but it didn't last long and soon harry felt that familiar feeling in his stomach. "You ok Harry?" Louis asked when he saw harry put down his scissors and rap his arms around his midsection. "No" harry whimpered as his stomach growled angrily. "Does your tummy hurt?" Louis heard the strange noises coming from the boy. "Y-yeah. Need the toilet" he mumbled sheepishly. Louis nodded and put his hand up "just a second Louis" Mrs smith called and went to help another student first.

But harry couldn't hold it anymore and soon he was a sobbing mess with ruined boxers. "Ew! Did you poo yourself harry!" Simon, a boy on the table next to them exclaimed and put his hands over his mouth and nose. Other students began laughing, even liams partners Ryan, who received an elbow into his side and an angry glare. "Stop laughing!" Louis said angrily as he comforted an embarrassed harry.

Mrs Smith came rushing over and crouched next to him "shh, its ok love. Lets get you to the nurse" she said softly and held his hand. "I'll come too" Louis said and picked up Harrys bag for him. Mrs Smith told the teaching assistant to watch over the class while she was gone. "T-t-they're laughing at m-me!" Harry sobbed as they walked down the corridor to the office. "Its alright harry, I'll have a word with them. You can't help being poorly" the teacher said softly, always have a soft spot for the curly haired boy. Louis held Harrys other hand "I didn't laugh at you Harry" he smiled. Harry gave him a teary smile back as they walked over into the office and over to the nurses desk.

"Hey Amy, I have one of my student here who's had an accident" Mrs Smith said to the nurse. "Oh dear, what kind of accident love?" Amy came over and crouched next to harry. "went poopy in my pants" harry whimpered and felt his tummy start to act up again. "Oh that's ok sweetie let me grab you some new trousers and boxers" she got up and went into the backroom.

When she came back she helped harry change and put the dirty trousers and underwear into a bag. "I'm going to go and call your daddy ok?" Amy asked and went to call zayn after harry had nodded. "Louis are you ok staying with harry? I've got to get back to class" Mrs Smith said. "Yes miss" Louis smiled and sat next to harry on the bed.

"L-Louis?" Harry asked shakily after a few minutes. "what's wrong hazza?" Louis asked kindly. "I need the toilet" harry said desperately. "It's over there. Do you want me to come?" Louis asked, harry blushed but nodded. Louis smiled and took Harrys hand.

Harry pulled down his trousers and sat on the toilet as he started emptying his bowels. Louis held his hand and gave words of encouragement. While harry was cleaning up there was a knock on the door "hazz? Are you in there baby?" Zayn asked.

Harry flushed the toilet and opened the door "daddy!" Harry cried and hugged him. "Hey bubba, I heard you had a little accident" zayn smiled sadly and put harry on his hip, still being able to do that because harry was small for his age. Harry only nodded and cuddled into zayn, seeking warmth. "Get well soon hazzie" Louis smiled and got on his tiptoes to kiss Harrys cheek. Harry smiled and blushed as zayn cooed at the pair.

Zayn signed harry out and then drove him home. It was a difficult next 2 days for poor harry as he was in and out of the bathroom but he was able to go back to school the next week where Louis asked him to be his valentines.

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