Too much coffee (Harry)

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6:30am in the freaking morning! That was way too early for the four band mates. "Why do they hate us!" Niall whined as he sat heavily into one of the chairs in the cafeteria of the studio they were recording at today. "Yeah, I know" Louis mumbled from his head down on the table. "Guys look!" Harry pointed to the table closest to them. "Coffee!" Niall said happily and went over to grab a cup.

The boys all grabbed some before sitting back down and looking over the breakfast menus. "Woah harry, calm down mate" Louis laughed and watched as harry chugged down his coffee. "What? I like coffee" harry said as he got up to get another cup.

After harry finished his 6th cup, the others having one, and all finished their breakfasts they were called into the recording room to start. "I'll have harry and Niall first" a lady from management called. Harry and Niall went into the booth and put on their headphones.

Meanwhile Liam and Louis sat on the sofa outside sending each other snaps with funny filters. Louis fell off of his chair laughing when Liam sent him a snap where he had done a face swap with Miley Cyrus. "What are laughing about?" Niall smiled as he stepped out of the booth. Liam showed him the picture making Niall smirk "that's really sexy" he said. "Oi! Keep your hands off Horan" Harry said as he walked over and sat on Liam's lap.

After an hour of mucking about and recording Harry's stomach was beginning to hurt. "So Ni, hows you're brother?" Louis asked. "He's good, except he broke his arm while riding a horse for the first time last week" Niall laughed. "Been there, done that" Liam chuckled. Harry cuddled into Liam's side as a cramp rippled through his stomach.

"Hazza? You ok?" Liam asked when he felt harry flinch. "Y-yeah, just tired" harry mumbled. Liam shrugged it off and carried on with his conversation. "No way!" Niall laughed. "I know right!" Louis laughed as he showed Niall a picture of his friend tom lying on the ground surrounded by beer bottles. "He got so drunk and then just passed out" Louis explained and then showed Liam and harry. Liam laughed while harry just curled into a ball.

His stomach was cramping up really badly and it made him want to start crying right then and there. "I'm gonna grab a coffee, any of you guys want one?" Niall said as he got up from the beanbag he was lounging on. "I'll have one" harry mumbled, thinking it might help his stomach. "Sure, what about you two?" Niall asked Liam and Louis who shook their heads.

The blonde came back a few minutes later with two mugs of steaming hot coffee. "Thanks" harry said and took the cup that Niall offered him and started sipping it. "I don't know how you can drink so much of that stuff" Louis laughed. Harry just shrugged and placed the cup down with still half of the strongly caffeinated liquid left which was a first for harry. The drink really didn't help his stomach, maybe even made it worse.

After a few minutes harry could barely sit up straight as his stomach cramping and let out angry growls. He'd never been in so much pain in his life, but then it hit him. He had to go to the toilet, badly. Harry quickly got up and started walking towards the door. "Harry! You're up" the lady from management said. "O-oh, but I need to..." He was cut off by "you can do what you need to do after" she said sternly.

Harry whimpered as held his tummy and went over to the booth, might as well get it over with. He had to do his part three times because his voice had cracked because of some pretty intense cramps. Soon he was able to leave and jogged out of the room. Once in the corridor he had to stop and bent forward as he stomach growled and then he felt something wet in his boxers (gross, I know). Had he just crapped himself at work? Harry quickly ran into the disabled bathroom as that was closest.

He didn't have time to lock the door so left it and quickly pulled down his black jeans. Just as he sat down his Bowels began to empty and he whimpered. Why was his stomach hurting so much?

"Guys? Where's hazza?" Liam asked as he hadn't seen his boyfriend in a while and he could see that the booth was empty. "Think he went to the bathroom" Louis shrugged, not taking his eyes off of his phone. "I'm gonna go pee" Liam said as he stood up. "Good to know" Niall gave him a thumbs up before going back to texting his girlfriend.

Liam felt too lazy and decided to go to the disabled toilet as it was closer. When he opened the door he didn't expect to see the sight that he saw. He burst out laughing "oh god harry! You stink!" He laughed, as he didn't notice the tears in Harry's eyes.

Harry started crying as he let out another round of diarrhea and because Liam was laughing at him while he felt so bad. "P-p-please d-don't l-laugh!" He sobbed. Liam stopped laughing and closed the door behind him before rushing to the boys side.

"I'm so sorry love, I didn't know you felt poorly" Liam cooed and cuddled harry close. "My tummy really hurts" harry cried as another growl echoed through his belly. "I bet its all that coffee you drank boo, its a natural laxative" Liam sighed and rubbed his tummy.

"I'm sorry" harry whimpered. "What are you sorry about baby?" Liam frowned. "I didn't make it in time" harry cried and pointed down to his messy boxers. "That's alright boo, just chuck them in the bin and we'll get you some new ones when we get home. Are you ok with going commando for now?" He asked softly. Harry nodded.

He soon finished and Liam helped him clean up before carrying him, bridal style, out to their car. He strapped harry in before texting Louis to tell management that harry was poorly so he was taking him home.

He then got in the car and drove them home where he ran harry a shower and then cuddled him for the rest of the day. "Love you LiLi" harry mumbled sleepily. "Love you too H" Liam kissed his head and they both fell asleep in each others arms.

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