gassy (louis)

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I would like to thank ilangel1 for this suggestion. Hope you enjoy.
The boys were on the tour bus on their way to Florida to start their tour for the new album called "no time like the present" (you can tell that I made it up). They were just lounging about playing on their Xbox and enjoying being in each others company. Louis was giggling like hell because Niall's character was glitching though a wall and he had no idea what was happening. "What the fuck?" Niall asked as he clicked buttons but that only made it worse. He chucked the control on to the floor and began sulking. Everyone was laughing at his childish behaviour when Louis got up and excused himself to the bunk room.

Louis sat on his bed and rubbed his stomach that had been bothering him all day. His stomach was slightly bloated and he felt really gassy. He decided to deflate his stomach a bit by farting. He pushed slightly and his stomach growled and he farted. But something went horribly wrong. Something more than wind came out.

He stood up quickly and shoved a hand into his butt so nothing more would come out. 'Need the toilet' he thought to himself and waddled over to the small bathroom they had on the bus. He tried to the door handle but the door was locked. "Harry's in there taking a shower" Niall said to him and frowned. "You ok mate?" Niall asked. Louis was sweating at he had his hand in his ass. He removed his hand and clutched "yeah I'm good" Louis said with a smile and went and awkwardly sat on the sofa closest to him.

The boys gave him weird looks but then carried in with their game. Every minute Louis waited the more desperate he became. He stomach was whining and he was slowly leaking into his boxers. Then the door to the bathroom opened and Louis sighed in relief but Zayn ran over. "Zayn! I need to go!" Louis exclaimed and Zayn looked at him. "So do I!" He said. "Please" Louis whimpered and Zayn saw the desperation in his voice and eyes. He reluctantly stepped aside and Louis ran in and locked the door. He ran over to the toilet and pulled down his sweats and sighed in relief as he had made it just in time. He took off his ruined boxers and threw them in the bin. "Oh god" Louis muttered as diarrhea splashed into the bowl. He really hoped the boys weren't hearing this.

"Errrrrrr! I really need a wee! What's taking Louis so longggggg!" Zayn wined as he held his crotch. "I'll check on him" Liam said and went and knocked on the door "Lou, mate. You ok in there?" He asked softly but loud enough for Louis to hear. The toilet flushed and Louis came out with relief Painted on his face. "You ok?" Liam asked again. Louis nodded and blushed "I had some tummy trouble but I'm ok now" he said quietly. Liam nodded and patted him on the back "wanna come and play FIFA with us?" Niall asked and Louis nodded. Zayn rushed over to the bathroom and slammed the door shut "Ew! It's stinks in here!" He exclaimed and all the boys laughed as Louis blushed harder.

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