Chapter 3

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Updated 12/7/2021

Chapter 3:

"Come on little missy, it's time for breakfast," a new guard who I didn't recognize opened the large cell door. I begrudgingly sat up from my bed, my eyes drifting over to Michael who was leaning against the wall, facing me on his bed.

I finally pulled myself and gave Michael a questioning look. Does he only eat in here?

"He usually doesn't go anywhere besides the other white room you met in yesterday and the showers every day," the guard must have known what I was thinking.

"Tell Loomis, I want him to go with me to breakfast. Plus don't you think he needs to get more exercise," I innocently asked and the cell door was shut gently and I could hear the guard say something over the radio system.

Michael's eyes were closed but I knew he was awake. His breathing was calm but I could see his fingers twitch every so often.

"Okay okay, let me get some reinforcements and then we will go get you two breakfast."

I gave him a charming smile and nodded.

Breakfast with Michael was interesting. He had a mask on which only covered half his face from the bottom down was cut off. His lips were full and his jaw masculine.

The other prisoners/patients were warily watching us as we sat down in the middle of the cafeteria. I don't think they were used to seeing Michael out of his cell or being escorted somewhere.

"Well well well, looky here boys. Micky is out of his cell for once, and with a girl," a man sitting diagonal from us sneered.

I gave him an unamused look and glanced at Michael to see if there were any reactions. None. Hmm.

We were then escorted to an activity room, there were weights set out, paints and markers with sheets of paper.

I took to the paints while Michael merely sat on a chair surprisingly just watching me paint away to a creative who knows what.

Painting once had been a serious hobby. I loved the mixing of colors and different strokes.

I was lost in my creative world, wishing I was anywhere but here, but Michael was gazing over at my features.

Michael was sure she would be around the same age as he would be now. He wondered why he was in a place like this and what had she done to get here?

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