Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Bella Herron, I'm 17 years old and my little brother Zach is in the band Why Dont We.

He has invited me to go on tour with them all over the United States. I'm also a singer so they will put me as a guest appearance.

Text Messages:

From: Bro Herron ✨

Hey the band should be here any minute, are you almost done packing?

To: Bro Herron✨

Yeah, and your right across the hall why tf are you textin me lol

From: Bro Herron✨

I'm lazyyyyy lol

About 25 minutes later I hear a knock at the front door and Zach opens it.

" What's up man." I hear from a different boy from the living room.

I walk out to see a boy with blonde hair, a boy with a small tooth gap, a boy with amazing eyebrows, and a boy with curly hair all talking to my brother.

Damn that boy with the curly hair is so cute.

" Oh bella, this is Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah, and last but not least that's Jack Avery." They all gave me a hug.

" Hi guys!" I said, smiling at Jack.

" The bus should be here soon so we can just chill for now." Zach said.

I was walking into the kitchen when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see the boy with the tooth gap, Daniel.

" Hey Bella, do you need help with anything?" He asked smiling.

" Um I was just going to get some grapes." I laughed. I look over his shoulder and saw Jack lookin at me with a smirk. I smiled real big and showed my teeth.

" He must like you." Daniel said looking back too.

" But he barely knows me." I replied, sitting next to Daniel and we ate some grapes.

" You will know him son, he's a nice guy. But I'm gonna have to fight him." He said, looking down at his phone.

" Whys that Seavey?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

" Because your beautiful." He said, looking into my eyes.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

" Um, I uh, I'm going to go meet the other guys, I'll talk to you in a little bit." I said, getting up walking to my living room.

Jack looks up and smiles and puts his hand out for me to shake.

" Hey Bella, I'm Jack Avery, its nice to meet you!" He says as I shake is hand.

" Nice to meet you too." I say smiling.

" You know you have a really nice smile." He tells me.

" Why thank you Jack!" I say, smiling once again.

I move down the line and next I meet Corbyn.

" Hey Bella what's up." He says giving me a hug.

" Nothing much haha!" I laugh, then I turn towards Jonah who was playing XBox with Zach, so I leave him alone.

" Does anybody want food before we go?!" I yell.

" Me!!!" Everyone yells at the same time.

" Oh alright, what do you guys want?" I ask.

" Pizza." Says Daniel.

" Taco Bell." Zach says.

" Whatever you want." Jack says with a wink.

" Whatever is easiest to make." Said Jonah.

" Pizza." Corbyn said.

" Well pizza is easier, I can order one." I said, taking out my phone.

" YAY!" Said Daniel, jumping over the couch.

I order the pizza then grab an Xbox controller to play FIFA with the boys, I end up making 3 goals by the time the pizza gets here.

" Can someone get that, I'll gets the plates out." Immediately Jack jumps up and opens the door and pays for the pizza.

" Thanks Jack!!" I yell from the kitchen.

" No problems B!!" I hear from him, I guess that's my nickname now.

He runs into the kitchen with the pizza with 4 hungry boys right behind him.

They attack the pizza leaving 2 slices for me. I guess that's what I get for ordering a medium pizza.

We all sit at the table and wait for the bus.

After about an hour of playing FIFA, the bus finally arrives.

We all get or suitcases situated and pile in the bus. We picked our bunks, and if course Jack picks one above mine.

We leave and are heading to the Why Don't We house in Los Angeles.

Nobody Gotta Know ~ Jack Avery  • FINISHED • Where stories live. Discover now