Chapter 12

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Then the door opened....

" Bella?" Jack said, walking in, looking directly at Daniel. By then me and Daniel were apart so Jack wouldn't suspect anything.

" Yeah?" I said.

" What's up with you guys?" He said, grabbing my arm.

" What? Nothing!" I said, he had pulled me away from Daniel.

" Why do you say that Jack?" Daniel asked.

" I just don't like my girl in a room with you with the door closed." Jack said, glaring at Daniel.

" Nothing happened. Remember we're best friends." Daniel told him, oh my was I happy Dani kept it secret.

" Yeah."

" Whatever. Your probably cheating on me." Jack said, letting me go and walking out of the room.

( authors note: Jack is getting jealous ooohhhh.... TRIGGER WARNING AHEAD just FYI)

" Jack stop it." I said,  tearing up.

Damn it Bella. Why do you have to be in love with two guys.

" No!" Jack said, grabbing Daniels collar.

" If you touch my girl again, I will kill you." He said.

" JACK GET OUT." I yelled, pushing him off Daniel.

" Why!!?" He said, punching Daniel in the stomach and dropping him to the floor.

" GET OUT!" I screamed bending down to Daniel.

I think Jack realized what he had done. His face softened and he bent down to comfort me.

I jumped at his touch, terrified he was going to punch me too.

I had no clue Jack was like that. He lead me on as a sweet guy who would never hurt a fly.

" Don't touch me." I said calmly.

" Bella.... I'm so sorry." He said, wiping a tear from his cheek.

" Please just get out. I don't want to see you right now." I told him, grabbing Daniels hand.

Jack stood up and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

" Daniel are you ok?" I said helping him up.

He rubbed his stomach.

" Yeah I'm completely fine, are you ok?" He said rubbing my shoulder.

" No." I said crying harder.

" Tell me." He said, wrapping his arms around my neck.

" I can't believe I fell for him Dani. It was foolish of me to get feelings that fast. I'm sorry." I said to him putting my face in his chest.

" Why are you sorry?" He told me, rubbing my hair.

" For not falling for you." I told him.

He pressed his lips against mine and hugged me tight.

" Daniel." I said pulling away.

" Yeah?" He said.

" We need to hang out... a lot." I said, wiping a tear from my cheek.

" Oh course." He laughed.

We walked out to the living room and saw Jack sitting on the couch crying.

" Jack?" I said.

He looked up immediately and jumped up to stand by me.

" I'm so fucking sorry." He told me.

" I need to talk to you." I said, pulling him out of the room.

" I can't say sorry enough. I shouldn't have freaked out like that. I just love you so much and I can't see my life without you." He told me, popping his fingers.

" I love you too Jack, but I think we need to take a break for a little bit ok?" I tell him. He takes a deep breath and nods.

" Thank you for understanding." I say.

" Of course." He says.



Nobody Gotta Know ~ Jack Avery  • FINISHED • Where stories live. Discover now