Chapter 16

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                * Daniels POV *

         I woke up the next morning and I saw Bella sitting in a ball next to my  bed crying.

  " Bella are you ok?" I sit on the floor next to her.
" No im not. " She looked up at me and her eyes are red from crying.

" Whats wrong?" I ask, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.

" My parents are splitting.  My dad sent me a text about it. And zach heard too, he's devastated." She handed my her phone. I read it.

Dad: Honey I have to talk to you...
Me: Im all ears
Dad: Me and your mom have been fighting and she is moving to Washington.
Me: What.
Dad: And your going with her.
Me: No dad. Im not going, im staying here with Daniel and the guys in Los Angeles.
Dad: Honey.
Me: No dad ok?! Im not leaving him, I cant.
Dad: Ok, ill tell her.
Me: Thank you, and love you i guess.
Dad: Love you too, bye?
Me: Bye.

        I started crying for her. She would rather stay with me then go with her mom to Washington? That means so much!

" Aw Bella im sorry. " I told her and I gave her a hug.

  " Its ok. I already knew they were fighting. Its been on and off for a while, and I also got a text from Cameron." Ugh. Cameron.

X 🖕🏻: baby you looked hot last night

Me: fuck off

X 🖕🏻: cmon bbg
Read 1:32 am

I read the messages and I was so pissed off but I'm also happy she told him that.

" Yeah." She said standing up.

" What are you doing today?" I asked, picking up the blanket and folding it, setting it back on the bed.

" I don't know,  I want to be alone today." She said, wiping a tear from her face.

" Ok. Text me if you need anything. " I said towering her, I looked into her eyes and she nodded and I kissed her lightly.

" I'm gonna go out for a bit ok? I need to collect myself." She said pulling away.

And just like that she was out of the room.

About 20 minutes later I got dressed and decided to make a sit down video for my YouTube channel.

       I set up my tripod, sat down and pressed record.

  " Hey guys. Whats up? So as you guys might know.. I haven't posted much on YouTube because we are on tour and we're hecka busy." i said, rubbing my hands.

  " I have a lot going on. Tour is stressing me out,  but don't get me wrong I LOVE meeting you guys ." I told the whole story about everything that's going on, and announcing Bella and I to the public.

   I turned off my camera  and took a long deep sigh before texting Bella.
        Me: Hey
2 mins later
        My Princess ♥: Hi
        Me: Are you doing better?
        My Princess ♥: not really Daniel what do you think.
        Me: I'm sorry. Just remember I'm always here for you. I love you.
        Read 11:39 am

I patiently waited for Bella to arrive back home.

        I heard a knock at the front door, so i yelled come in , because I thought it was Bella.

         But it wasnt.

                                                                  It was a paramedic...

" Are you Daniel Seavey?" He said, looking at a piece of paper.

  " Yes sir. Whats this about?" I asked, getting up on quickly, grabbing my phone, sliding it in my pocket.

   " Your friend Bella Herron was just hit by a drunk driver. She has been left at the sight to get examined and taken to urgent care, she is awake and asked me to get you. " He said.


    " Please come with me. " The man said.

    We rushed to the ambulance outside.

    It took a whole 15 minutes to get to the sight.

    As soon as the man stopped the car i rushed up to Bella who was laying on the ground.

" Daniel?" She asked, lifting up a bloody hand.

" Im right here. How did this happen?" I said, grabbing her hand that was covered in blood. I was crying my eyes out.

" Well, i was walking back to your house and this idiot who was either drunk or texting hit me. I was even stopped at the crosswalk like I was supposed to. But the force of it Daniel I think I'm dying!" She cried.

  " Babe please don't say that your going to be ok!!" I actually started to cry just at the sight of her.

  " Daniel, if im going to die, i just need to say i love you so much." She said, crying really hard.

  " YOUR NOT GOING TO DIE, I PROMISE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH." I held her hand close to me. Then  the ambluance got there and she was lifted away.

        In the morning, i walked into the hospital and up to the receptionist and I check my phone for any messages,

  " Excuse me, what room is Bella Herron in?"

  " She is in room 134." She said quietly.

  " Ok thanks."

      When I got there I see all the guys circled around a small bed on the left side of the room. I push through all the people, and I finally see Bella. She has an IV in her arm, and an Oxygen supply in her nose. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks. I walk up to her and grab her hand. She opened her eyes.

" Bella your ok!" I whisper.

  " Yeah." She says, it sounds like her throat is dry.

" How are you feeling?"  I ask, looking into her beautiful blue green eyes.

" I've been better."

" Thats good. Anyways, sleep for now. I love you." I said, sitting on the chair next to her bed.

                " Love you more."

Holy fuck.
What am I writing 😂👏🏻

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