Chapter 20

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" Jack I love you." I said. I was practicing how to tell him in the bathroom mirror.

" Jack I'm still in love with you." I shook my head no.

" Jack, I love you so much.... yup that's the one." I walked out of the bathroom and I texted Jack.

Me: hey come here
Jack: yeah
Me: k it's kinda important
Jack: ok I'll be there in 5

I waited patiently and finally heard a knock on the door. I opened it there stood jack.

I pulled him into the room and we sat on the bed.

" Jack I love you so much. I always have. What happened between us was a mistake and I'm sorry. I hope you don't hate me." I said, tearing up.

" Bella.... I love you too. I always have too. But are you saying what I think your saying." He said, looking at me like he was iffy.

" Yes Jack. I would like to maybe have another chance with you. I care for you so much. I hope you feel the same way." I said.

" Well," he chuckled," I hope this answers your question." He said and he kissed me lightly. Then pulled away.

I smiled and was as happy as I could be that I could call Jack Avery by boyfriend again.

Short but it needed to happen after like 48492928474838229 years of not updating 😏😂❤️

Nobody Gotta Know ~ Jack Avery  • FINISHED • Where stories live. Discover now