Chapter 8

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I jumped awake because my phone was sbuzzing really loudly next to my head, so i answered the call.

" BELLA!" Jack yelled.

" Yeah?" I said all groggy.

" So today Daniel is driving me and and Jonah to a deserted train, and it might be dangerous so i dont want you to go, you probably understand." He said through the phone.

" I understand, ok well have fun i guess and i love you." I said.

"I love you more, see you later." With that he hung up.


( A/N: so imma skip the part with all the talking and driving and crap ok? so just bare with me and try to enjoy it anyways :) )

" Yes, you guys im fine with driving at night ok?" Daniel said, turning around corners too fast.

"Dude slow down, your gonna hit the-- " Thats all i could get out before it happened. He lost control of the car.

The Range Rover hit a sign and ploughed through the guard-rail and fell twenty-five feet onto an old truck with no bed below..

Its front end crumpled with the force of impact thrusting two-foot of metal back into the car. The windshield imploded, showering the insides with deadly slivers of glass. Both the steering wheel and dashboard compacted into one mangled mess.

The metal of the car groaned like the final cry of some wounded beast and it shuddered once then fell slowly up side down.

After that all was silent for a while.

"Hello?" I said, coughing.

" Dude are you ok?" I heard Daniel say. I saw him and he had a badly broken nose. I tried to move but my neck hurt so bad! I think something happened to it. Maybe it's broken. ( AUTHORS NOTE: you can break your neck and not die. It's where you break your spinal cord that kills you.)

"Yeah, im ok, by the way, you have a broken nose. And i think i broke my neck." I said, still coughing.

I cant believe how lucky I am to be alive. That drop was the equivalent of jumping off a five story building. My chances of survival were almost nothing, yet here i am, my face pressed into an airbag, there is blood all over the airbag, i think i might have split my chin, still strapped firmly into the passengers seat with nothing worse than cuts and scrapes, and a broken neck to show from the fall.

An oily taste hung in the air. I grappled with the airbag and managed to push it to one side.

I wasted precious seconds struggling with the door handle before I realized that the car lay up side down .

I managed to get myself, Jonah and Daniel out of the car and i lay on the ground noticing also that my leg was mangled and called Bella for help.

"Hello?" I heard her sweet voice on the other end of the phone.

" Bella call 911, ive just been in a car accident, i think i broke my leg." I said, trying not to scare her.

" WHAT! OMG OMG OMG OK, IM COMING RIGHT NOW WHERE ARE YOU?" She yelled, i could hear her start to cry.

" On a turn, we are kinda jumbled up with a car port on someones property." I told her, and i already heard sirens.

" ARE YOU BOYS ALRIGHT? WHAT HAPPENED?" We heard an old lady yell from about 30 feet away.

" Thank you ma'am were fine i think. " Daniel said, holding his nose with a handful of blood.

I felt myself getting light headed. No Jack dont pass out now. Then it was too late.


I called 911.

" 911, whats your emergency?"

" Hi, um, My boyfriend just got in a really bad car accident with two other guys!" I yelled.

" Whats your location?"

I told her the location and she said an ambulance is on its way.

' Please come soon' I thought. I brushed the hair out of my face. Then I kissed Jack forehead. Please dont let him die.

When the ambulance came, I waved them over. Before I knew it, Jack had IV's sticking in his arms, and his leg and his neck were wrapped up in a splint type of thing. He looked so helpless. I was riding in the back of the ambulance with him to the hospital.

" He is going into shock. " The guy said, he put an oxygen mask over his mouth.

" Breath deep." He told him. There were 2 more ambulances behind us with Daniel and Jonah.

We arrived at the hospital quicker than I thought we would.

" Blood pressure 70 over 40 and dropping!" A nurse said. I followed them into the hospital, until they stopped me at emergency surgery.

🚑 🏥

Please let him live.
Please let him live.

Nobody Gotta Know ~ Jack Avery  • FINISHED • Where stories live. Discover now