
910 34 10

June 14 NYC

"How's everyone doing today?!" I stood with a microphone.

No one said a word.

"Damn, tough crowd. Anyway I am Momi Yoon from H1GHR Entertainment. Do any of you know Jay Park?"

Still nothing.

"Damn no fans here." I sighed. "Anyway I'm here in New York to promote gay rights."

"Duh bitch. Go back to China." A boy that looked to be about 17 spoke.

"Actually I'm Korean Hawaiian and I'm from LA. Incompetent asshole. But anyway I didn't come here to fight, I came here to support the gay community."

I started singing Same Love by Macklemore. More people started to gather around. I finished the song and smiled.

"Hi everyone. Anyone got a request?" I asked.


"I kissed a girl and I liked it! The taste of her cherry chapstick!" The crowd was turnt and it was getting dark.

I smiled and bowed. "Thank you guys for hanging out with me today."

Someone grabbed me and picked me up.

"Hey put her down!!" Someone yelled.

"It's all good, I'm her boss."

"Hey Jay, what's up?" I asked.

"Did you for get that were taking a red eye to Seoul tonight?" Jay put me down.

"Oh shit that's today."

"Yeah and it's almost 9:30 our flight leaves at 10:15." Jay started to pick up my stuff.

"Hey. Umm Momi right?"

I turned to see a girl about my age. "Yeah, what's up?"

She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. She blushed and took off running.

I stood there in shock. "Kimbap kidding."

Jay burst out laughing. "Nice job."

"Well that slightly makes me question my sexuality."

Jay laughed again.

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