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I held on to Hani's hand as we walked through the mall.

Her pigtails bounced as she walked.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to go look at toys or dresses?" I asked.

"Yeah." She dragged me into a store.

It was a very pink store, walls, counters, clothes, most of it pink.

Hani let go of my hand and raced over to the blue and purple dresses. "Wow."

I smiled and looked for one in her size. "What color do you want?"

No answer.

"Hani!" I looked around, I couldn't see her. "Hani!"

I searched the store and then went out. "Hani!"

I saw her over in the arcade and ran over.

She was talking to someone who was knelt down at eye level. He was wearing a hat.

"Hani, why did you run off?" I grabbed her hand.

"I found Uncle Samuel." She smiled.

I grabbed her hand and stared at Samuel.

He tried to kiss me.

"No, not here."

"What why?" Samuel asked.

"Jay told me to stay away from you until you've debuted."

"Why? That's stupid."

"It's Brave Entertainment's fault so..."

"Of course it is." He sighed.

"Yeah but meet me at the studio around 6 and we can sit inside and eat some pizza." I leaned in for a hug.

"Ok." He hugged me and then shook my hand. "It was nice to see you."

I nodded and went back into the dress store with Hani. I sat her down on a bench. "Don't run off again ok?"

"Do you hate Uncle Samuel now?" Hani looked like she was going to cry.

I knelt down in front of her. "No sweetheart, we just can't let anyone know that we like each other or we could get in lots of trouble. I'm going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone."

Hani nodded.

"We're gonna go get pizza and meet Samuel at my work ok?" I whispered.

"Yay! I mean yay." She smiled.

"Ok now let's get our shopping done." I stood up.

Remember {Sequel to Punch to the Heart}Where stories live. Discover now