My Fam

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I woke up to Jay yelling, Gray was pacing on the stage. Chani was holding on to my hand, Dino and Vernon were trying to get S.Coups to stop pacing. Sanha was sitting next to Chani crying. The rest of ASTRO were talking to the fans. My head was in Ong's lap and Daniel, Daehwi, and Gualin were standing behind him. Jae was trying to talk to Hansol.

"How the fuck did that bitch get on the stage?!" Jay yelled. "What the fuck did I get security for if they aren't going to do their job?!"

"I'm fine, calm thyself." I attempted to get up.

"No!" Everyone yelled.

"Where did Samuel go?" I looked up at Ong.

"I'll tell you later." He spoke.

I nodded and sat up. "Someone hand me a mic please."

Hoody handed me one.

"Hey guys, I hope I didn't scare you guys too much. I'm ok. I have a fan meeting in 3 days, hope to see you guys there. Have a nice night META's."

Everyone started leaving.

I sighed. "Can someone help me up?"

Hansol and Jae went to help me up when Ong picked me up off the ground, bridal style.

"Not what I meant but alright."


I sat with an ice pack to my head. I watched the street lights go passed my window, Jay and Gray talked in the front.

My phone started ringing.

Samuel Babe😘💜

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey man, sorry I couldn't stay too long tonight. Hope you're alright, not too hurt right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok. My head hurts a bit but I'll be fine." I spoke.

"Who are you talking to?" Jay and some over the phone said at the same time.

"Mark." Samuel and I said.

"I love you." He whispered and hung up.

Remember {Sequel to Punch to the Heart}Where stories live. Discover now