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"Thanks to you we got all the shooting done today. Thank you Chani. This meal is on me." I smiled.

He ate a piece of chicken. "Thanks it was no problem, it was fun being somewhat center for once."

"Yeah not much screen time for groups with 9 members. I talk with Johnny from NCT, he get no lines or screen time." I laughed a bit.

He smiled at me. "You're so pretty."

"Thank you."

Chani's phone went off. "I've got to go, I'll by dinner next time." He picked up his jacket and went out the door.

I smiled and continued eating my ramen.

"Momi!" A girl sat down in front of me. "My Unnie! I've been waiting all day for him to leave so I could talk to you! You are so amazing!"

Everyone in the restaurant was staring.

I nodded. "Well you're here, go ahead and say what you wanted to say."

With out looking down I called my manager Sera.

"You are my favorite idol and I think you are way too go for Samuel or the boy that was just here! You are going to debut and over take EXO and KARD!"

I smiled nervously. "Thank you for your support, I will do my best to make you happy."

"Yes! Yes! Unnie! Please give me a hug or kiss!"

I nodded and stood up.

She tackled me and kissed my cheek. "You're the best! Unnie! I already bought tickets to your debut concert!"

"Yes, yes. I'll see you there."

She was pulled off me by Sera. "Ok Momi has to leave now. We have to get home."

I stepped out the restaurant with Sera. "Oh my god, please tell me not all my fans are like that."

"No that one's just flat out freaking crazy."

Remember {Sequel to Punch to the Heart}Where stories live. Discover now