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I sat down in the studio and started a live on Instagram.

There was automatically people commenting questions about where I had been and what was going on.

"0k everyone calm down and let me explain." I sighed.

'Were you actually shot?'

"Let me start with where I've been. I've been America training under H1GHR and AOMG Entertainment. I have a set debut date that will be released later. I flew from NYC after a LGBT pride festival on the 14 and arrived in Korea on the 16. I did attend the Produce101 show to support the talented trainees. After it was over I left and took a train to the city where my sister lives. It was 2am when I arrived. While I was walking into the building there was a man, that I will not identify, trying to kidnap my niece. I got her away from the unsub and ran up the stairs to my sister's apartment. I took my sister's handgun in order to protect my niece, my sister, and myself."

I took a drink of water and laughed.

"My dumbass opened the door and was planning to get him to leave. There was a struggle for the gun and a bullet grazed my arm. I am perfectly fine, I can move my arm, and the unsub was caught and is now in police custody. Are there any questions?"

'Are you and Samuel still together?'

"Samuel and I broke things off before I left for America."

'Are you dating anyone?'

"No I'm single for now." I joked.

'Has Jay been training you?'

"Yes a little but I've mostly been with Gray and Cha Cha Malone."

'When do you debut?'

"Hey Jay?! Can I tell them my debut date?!"

"Yeah I don't give a..."

"I can!" I yelled so they couldn't hear Jay swear. "My debut is July 19, I'll be shooting my music video soon."


"Umm... I can see you don't want me anymore."

'Cute concept is gone.'

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