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August 9, AOMG Entertainment Building

I opened the door to Jay's office. "You wanted to see me..."

Samuel and Brave's CEO was sitting in the office with Jay.

"Fuck." I mouthed. "Hi what's going on?"

"Sit down." Jay spoke.

I sat down in the chair next to Samuel.

"What the hell did I say?!" Jay yelled. "I said stay away from him! Did I not?!"

I sat there in shock, Jay was actually mad.

"I said you were not supposed to see or talk to him. I took you to America to avoid this!"

Samuel sat in his chair, holding violently on the arm rests.

"This is your last warning before I terminate your contract with AOMG and H1GHER." Jay spoke.

"Do it."

"What?" They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"I said do it, I would choose Samuel over my career any day of the week so that I could be with him, so that he could continue being an idol." I stood up.

Jay stood up. "What the fuck are you talking about?!"

I slammed my hands down on his desk. "What the fuck I'm talking about is that you guys can do what ever the fuck too want to me but no madder what you do I will still love Samuel and there..."

Samuel stood and wouldn't look at me. "Stop yelling, it's disrespectful."

"Do you want to fight me too?!" I yelled.

"There's no reason to yell about getting your way." Samuel smiled.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked.

Jay started laughing and high fived Samuel. The CEO just sat in his chair and smiled.

"You little shit." I started smacking Samuel. "Do you remember what happened the last time you pranked me? Huh?!"

Samuel hugged me. "I'm love you."

"Yeah. Fuck you." I held on to him.

Remember {Sequel to Punch to the Heart}Where stories live. Discover now