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July 25

I sat in the park, I had a long blonde wig on and I was dressed up.

Someone sat down next to me, he had a cap on with light green hair poking out.

"You look great, the blonde suits you pretty well."

"Thanks the green's a good choice." I smiled.

He put his hand in mine. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too." I rested my head on his shoulder. "We look ridiculous."

"It's sad that we have to go to these lengths to see each other." Samuel kissed my cheek.

"Let's walk." I stood and pulled him up.

"Ok." He put his arm on my waist as we walked. "We can't keep sneaking around you know?"

"Yeah, it's already driving me crazy." I sighed.

"Just wait until I debut, it'll be better." He kissed my cheek.

I nodded. "Soon right?"

"Soon. I'll talk with my manager and stuff. It'll be fine." He held on to my hand.

"Ok." I smiled.

My phone started ringing.

I sighed. "You have got to be fucking kidding me, this ridiculous."

Samuel's phone started going off.

We smiled at each other and answered our phones.

"Momi where the hell are you?" Gray asked.

"Out. Why?" I asked.

"Shit." I heard Samuel say.

"Our plane leaves in 45 minutes. Get back to AOMG now." Gray hung up.

"Samuel I.." I turned and he was gone. "Fuck my life!"


I stepped into AOMG, everyone was at the door. I threw my wig on the floor. "This is fucking ridiculous! What is going on?!"

"Oh shit I never told you." Jay sighed.

"No I don't think you did." I glared.

"We're going to America for a few weeks. Promote a little over there." Jay picked up a bag and handed it to me.

"For how long?" I asked.

"We'll get back like the 6th of August." Gray spoke.

"But Samuel's.." I sighed.

"You're not going, he shouldn't have been at you concert. He could have got fired from Brave if he was caught." Jay spoke.

"This is fucking ridiculous."

Remember {Sequel to Punch to the Heart}Where stories live. Discover now