Burn 3

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Kelly swallowed, fighting to hide her response to finding out his name. Externally, she plastered a pleasant smile on her face. Internally, she was panicking.

He looks exactly like the Jack from my story! How could I have not noticed it before? He even sounds like the vague way I feel like Jack in the story would! Why is a man from my fantasies coming to life? How the fucking hell is he standing right in front of me, living and breathing? His skin is even cold like Jack's is suppose to be!

Over and over, her thoughts swirled as she continuously compared what she knew of 'Jack' from her story with Jack from reality that was currently smiling at her. Her brain felt fried.

Jack smiled softly, taking in the wide, startled gaze of the woman in front of him. She really was quite beautiful, most especially her grey eyes. He did have to admit that she would look a lot better with her natural hair color though. Her short blonde hair curled around to frame her face, but from his height above her, he could see her natural dark brown roots beginning to bleed through. Staring into her face, he felt like he was looking at Nisha's older sister. Shaking his head slightly, he told himself to stop that. If he started it now, he'd never stop. His right hand at his side clenched into a fist as his mind began to spin back to seven years before.

Everything had been perfect. He had lived with the one woman he had ever truly loved. They were married and had just recently become parents with twins. He had been so happy...But he should have known.

Jack Frost wasn't allowed to be happy for very long. One way or another, the world always stole away the things he loved...

Kelly gulped, seeing a dark light of rage beginning to form in Jack's eyes. Finding her voice, she fought to keep her smile in place. "W-well...Thank you for stopping by. It was really nice to meet you. So, I'll see you at six, right?"

His blue eyes still cold, he nodded. "Yes...You don't mind if I bring Nana with me, do you?" He blinked, realizing. "I apologize. I meant to say, you don't mind if I bring my great grandmother-in-law for dinner as well?"

Her smile softening a little, Kelly shook her head. "Not at all. I'd love to get to see Grace again. She seems like quite the sweet old lady." Jack nodded slowly, surprised she knew Grace. "We met this afternoon at the village park," she explained.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'll be heading out now. Until dinner, fair thee well," he muttered. Not looking back, he left. Kelly fought not to watch him leave. I have three kids in my house right now. All the more fun this will be, she smiled. Turning, she closed and locked the front door behind her.

Sitting on the couch, Aiden glanced around the living room. His turquoise eyes took in the other three occupants. His brow was pulled into a slight frown. His gaze was latched onto Lily's back as she opened up a DVD case to put in a movie for them all to watch.

Something's different...wrong...Aiden thought. Lily feels different than yesterday. The boy closed his eyes briefly, letting his magical senses take in the entire room. After a few seconds, he glanced between the entire Colton family. There's a foul stench on them all...Something's wrong with all of them, he realized. Do they know?

Kelly took in all three kids. For some reason, the sight of them all made her heart rise into her throat. For half a second, she felt like falling to her knees and sobbing in absolute sorrow, heady relief, and all-consuming joy. Swallowing back the bizarre emotions, she shook her head to clear it. "What are we going to watch, Lily?" she asked.

Glancing over her shoulder, Lily grinned widely. "Felix watched his movie earlier. So we're watching Frozen. I love the ice powers!"

Chuckling, Kelly glanced over at Aiden, who was sitting on the middle of the living room couch. He was frowning a little, his bright eyes glancing between everyone in the room, a weird expression on his face. "Did you ask Aiden if he's okay with watching Frozen? He is the guest, so you have to show some manners, Lily."

Bloodfire: Other Realm, Frost Family Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now