lxi. special

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somewhere only we know - keane is the perfect song for this chapter and i was listening to it on repeat as i wrote this so listen to it while you read it. it's perfect.

two days later

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two days later

harry grabbed louis' hand, he smiled at how soft and nice it felt within his own, he brought his hand to his lip; kissing the back of it. harry watched the big smile form upon louis' lips after he did that. but louis kept his eyes on the rode instead of meeting harry's face. louis took harry that afternoon from his house and told him that they were going out somewhere, he said he wanted to take harry somewhere special.

harry had already been asking louis where it was that they were going to but louis wouldn't say. he said it was a surprise. louis even made the boy wear what he usually wore, colorful clothes that represent how he truly was. louis told him that he looked beautiful which made harry feel confident within clothes that he started to be scared to wear.

but in his baby pink skirt with white knee socks and simple white shirt, the boy sat with highlighter atop his cheekbones and lipgloss on his lips, happily. he felt good, he felt confident, he was happy to be feeling that again. louis seemed to bring out the best side of him, regardless of what happened to him.

it felt great. harry was happy at that moment and he never wanted to stop feeling that way.

"keep your eyes closed!" louis said, laughing at how harry kept trying to peak. harry laughed, covering his eyes again with his hands. the two boys had just arrived at the special place louis wanted harry to close his eyes so he wouldn't see it right away.

"they are closed, lou!" harry said, closing the little peaks in between his fingers. harry was excited to say the least but he was happy to be feeling this feeling. he was happy his brain wasn't taking him to dark places. at that moment, the incident wasn't even within his brain.

harry felt the car stop, "keep those eyes closed babe, i'll go and get you from your door." louis said eagerly. harry felt the boy's lips kiss the side of his head before hearing him open the door then shutting it.

harry had the urge to peak from in-between his fingers but before he could, he heard his door open and felt louis' arms helping the boy out of the car.

after louis shut harry's door, the two boys walked a few feet; louis leading harry with his arm around him so he wouldn't fall with his eyes closed. after a minute or two, they came to a stop and louis told harry to open his eyes. harry did so, unveiling a utterly amazing view.

it was a beautiful clear lake that had wonderful bright nature around it. the sky was bright blue, giving the lake a reflection of it, slightly. and harry could even hear some birds chirping which made him smile.

"this is so beautiful." harry said, quietly but loud enough for louis to hear. he couldn't help but be taken aback by the view. it was breathtaking to harry. he had never really seen a view like the one he was laying his eyes upon right then.

"it reminds me of you, angel." louis said, sweetly, before planting a delicate kiss upon the boy's forehead. harry smiled as butterflies began to fill up his stomach.

he truly did love louis.

"come on, let's go for a walk." louis said, walking ahead of harry a bit before looking over his shoulder at him to see if he was going to follow.

and that's exactly what harry did.

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