Journey To The Past

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Gray watched his family as they ate breakfast and he was very glad they accepted Juvia as fast as they did. Juvia, who, at that moment, was gently listening to his niece as she babbled about breakfast - she was still learning and they only managed to understand a few words. He noticed Ultear, his adoptive sister, also looked at the interaction, carefully measuring Juvia and her reactions to the two-year-old.

"You seem very good with kids." Ultear said and Juvia looked up from where Meredy sat on her high chair to glance Ultear's way.

Smiling, Juvia nodded. "Juvia likes kids and they seem to like her back." As if to confirm her words, Meredy shoved a cookie on Juvia's mouth and the blunette gave it a small bite to the girl's delight. "Why, thank you." Her attention returned to Ultear. "While growing up, a lot of babies stayed in my foster homes. Juvia helped taking care of them and the younger children."

"Impressive." Ultear raised an eyebrow. "Meredy isn't friendly to many people other than us and some careful selected children her age."

"She does seem like a serious little lady." Juvia said and returned her attention back to her breakfast. "Perhaps she'll open up more as she grows up."

"That's the hope." Ultear put a hand on her daughter's head and the little girl smiled at her. "But if she doesn't, well... That's alright too."

"What are you two doing today?" Silver asked, getting Gray's attention.

"I'm going to show Juvia the town." Gray answered.

"It's Juvia's first time here." She explained.

"Good." Ur nodded. "It's a beautiful little town."

"Make sure you mention every place where you broke havoc while growing up, son." Silver chuckled.

"Oh, are there many?" Juvia glanced his way, offering him a smile and Gray rolled his eyes.

"Some." He told her.

"Plenty." Ur snorted. "I can't tell you how many times I was asked to come to his school because of some prank or altercation. And I only met him when he was nine, imagine before."

Silver laughed. "Then you ganged up with Lyon and then hell would break loose wherever they went."

"Juvia will need to hear those stories." She said, happily.

"Over my dead body." Gray muttered and then looked at his parents. "What are you doing today?"

"Ultear and I are showing houses to a very difficult couple. I didn't manage to sell anything to them, so now I'm taking enforcements." Ur took a sip of her coffee.

"They won't even know what hit them." Ultear said, smugly.

"I build the houses and they sell it." Silver told Juvia with a smile. "That's how I met Ur, you know? She stormed into my office even after informed the vacancy to be an agent had been filled up. I told her exactly that and she looked me right in the eye and told me to give her a chance and if in two weeks she didn't sell more than any other agent, I'd never see her again."

"I had two kids to feed, I was a bit desperate." Ur said and Juvia nodded.

"And did you?" The blunette asked.

Ur was clearly smug. "Oh yes."

"She sold four houses, the most expensive ones." Silver looked at his wife adoringly. "I was already a bit smitten when she burst into my office, but seeing her looking so proud of her accomplishment..."

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