Still Here

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AN: Surprise update!


Love In The Ice


Juvia woke up slowly and pain was the first thing she felt was pain all over. She tried to open her eyes and failed a couple of times – her mind felt groggy, what happened and what was that annoying beeping sound?

When she finally opened her eyes and focused her vision, she realized she was in a hospital bed and the events of that night finally came to her.


Bora had found her, hit her and chocked her. Her hand seemed to weight a ton when she raised to touch the bandages around her throat. Bora almost made her faint, but then, she remembered her Gray-sama appearing at her apartment. Why, though? He had dropped her off and gone home...

...oh, her phone. She forgot it in his car and he came back to return it.

Juvia's eyes were much more focused and she finally looked around – she was attached to a machine (so that's where the annoying beep was coming from) – and saw Gray slouched, eyes closing as he was falling asleep on what seemed a very uncomfortable chair.

She must've made some noise because his eyes widened and he looked up and sighed in relief.

"Hey." He took one of her hands and squeezed it and under further inspection from Juvia, she saw he had a black eye. "How are you feeling?"

"Hurts." She managed to say and Gray quickly grabbed a bottle of water from the nightstand and offered it to her, to her relief. She was finding very hard to speak so she just asked: "Bora?"

"The police has him." Gray told her and she sighed in relief. "I called Detective Ryan and he's coming down here."

It took Juvia great strength but she nodded. "You?"

He put a hand on the top of her head, caressing her hair. "Just a black eye, bruised knuckles, nothing too serious."

"Juvia?" She wondered, her throat hurting.

Gray sighed. "You have some bruising on your face, your torso. You'll be sore for a while but you will be fine." He said with barely contained anger. "And you shouldn't speak unless you have to. You have to heal your throat too." Juvia nodded.

"You look tired." She whispered, trying not to upset her throat.

He snorted. "Well, it's been a crazy night."

"Sorry." She felt guilty.

"Hey, this isn't your fault, it's Bora's." Gray told her. "The doctor said you will be discharged in a few hours, though; they kept you here just to be safe."


"You should rest." He said and Juvia nodded – she was groggy enough to agree to take another nap.

The blunette had an idea and scooped farther from the edge of the bed, confusing her boyfriend until she patted next to her and Gray caught her intentions.

Gray circled the bed and, slowly so not to jostle her too much, he lied down next to her and since the bed was small, they had to lie on their side, Gray's front touching Juvia's back and she felt much safer, then. He was careful to put his arm loosely over her waist and he kissed the back of her neck.

"I called Gajeel, by the way." He told her in a whisper, already falling asleep. "He went to get something to eat and must be returning soon. He is your emergency contact."

Love In The Ice - A Gruvia Story [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now