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Gray sat in his car outside Juvia's apartment, the papers his teacher gave him were on the passenger's seat and Gray knew he had a decision to make. He was going to spend a week at his parents' summer home with his girlfriend and some of their friends would join them in a few days but even so, he needed to make a decision.

He had spent an hour on the phone with his parents and they had voiced their approval, but he needed to talk to Juvia before he truly decided anything.

Sighing, Gray texted her so she could open the door for him and when he received a text back, he got out of his car and walked towards the building, realizing she had buzzed him in.

Before knocking on her door, Gray took a deep breath, knowing it would be a difficult conversation. He finally did and waited, knowing she'd be there just in a few seconds to open the door.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia beamed in happiness when she saw him and Gray couldn't help it but to smile at her. She pulled him for a kiss and Gray reciprocated it, pushing her inside and closing the door by kicking it, not interested in stopping kissing his girlfriend. They hadn't seen each other for two days and he missed her. "Juvia is almost done packing." She said when they came up for air.

"Good." He cleared his throat but didn't loosen his arms from around her and she was more interested on kissing his jaw than finish packing. "Hm... Juvia?" She looked up. "Come sit down for a minute." Gray took her hand and pulled her towards her couch. "I need to talk to you."

"That doesn't sound good." Juvia frowned but let herself get pulled and sat on the couch, Gray following her. She was clearly worried when she asked. "Is something wrong?"

He sighed and took a moment to have the courage to speak. "You know what happened between Daphne and me last year." She seemed confused with why he brought the subject up, but nodded. "You didn't see me, then. I was... Well, Natsu once defined me as a 'little bitch'. Okay, not just once." Gray snorted and Juvia couldn't help it but to roll her eyes at how odd their friendship was. "I was moody, angry and determined to go away for a while." He told her. "I saw an ad for an exchange program for six months and I thought 'Hey, six months away sounds good right now'. But the ad was old and when I went to sign up, they said I could drop my name but it would take a year to open again. I figured I would still be feeling miserable." He cleared his throat and he could feel his cheeks get hotter. "I never thought I would find you."

Juvia smiled and kissed his cheek. "Juvia is glad we found each other."

"Me too." The corners of Gray's lips curled up a little. "But the thing is, Juvia... In two months a new semester starts and since I gave them my name last year, they saw I have the grades for it and they asked me to go to have a talk and... They said if I'm interested, I would be able to study a semester abroad. In Alvarez."

Gray watched her expression and sat the moment Juvia realized the implications of his words.

"In Alvarez." She breathed.

"Yeah." He nodded. "The University I would attend is a reference around the world when it comes to architecture, one of the best. They said they could get me a student visa in a month or so but I have to give an answer in a few days at least." Juvia blinked and Gray saw she was still confused. "My parents said they are okay with it if I want to go but I want your opinion."

"Oh." It was the only thing Juvia said for a few moments. "A semester, you say?"

"Yes." Gray nodded.

"That's... six months." She said, dumbly.

"It is." Gray gave her a few seconds to think. "I would have to leave at least two weeks before classes."

Love In The Ice - A Gruvia Story [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now