Chapter 11-The Return Home-

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After 2 long years I was able to return home. As my ship docked my captain pulled me aside and made me commander and chief of the ship. I was now captain.

"Anything need just ask, Lockwood. Good luck."

He stuck his hand out and I took it. I nodded and left the ship. I called a cab and went to Mark's place. I knocked on the door and he answered.

"Cassie?? Your back!!"

Mark hugged me and let me in. I stepped inside set my stuff down by the door. Ethan came out of the living room and smiled. Tyler followed and saw me. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you so much, and you had me worried."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It was hard finding the time to communicate with you and Gunner at the same time. Hey, in about an hour or so I have to head back to the base to get my captain's uniform and all the things that go with it."


Tyler looked confused when I told him I had to go back.

"Before I left the ship, my captain made me chief and commander of the ship. And I have to receive my uniform, medals, and stars before I can officially leave the Navy with full benefits."

"Ahhh. Alright now I understand." Mark spoke.

          Ethan, Tyler and myself looked over at mark with a confused look.

"Because you were a normal soldier on the ship you wouldn't get the benefits that captains and lieutenants would get. So, when your captain pulled you aside and made you chief, you could collect the benefits. Which is money, dental, optical, and medical."

"How did you know all that??" Ethan asked.

"My father was a a chief and commander. So, he got all those things when he left." Mark answered.

After our conversation, Ethan, Tyler, Mark and I had told them what happened over sea's when i was gone for the three years. About the blood shed, death, sickness and other things that they couldn't believe when I told them. After an hour Tyler took me to the base where I received my Captain's uniform and I had to immediately get into and then make my way to the placing area. Later on I was told that the ceremony for the medals and stars weren't until Saturday, two days after Gunner's Birthday.

Tyler drove us back to the house where I went to the guest room and changed out of my uniform and hung it up in the closet. I laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

-Next Day. Gunner's Birthday-

My alarm clock got me up at 5am as I usually got up for the past two years and did my routine daily workout before heading out to the kitchen for breakfast at 6am. No one was awake but me. I had some eggs and bacon and left some for mark when he got up.

After eating I pulled my bag out and went to the laundry room and began washing my clothes. After finishing putting in the laundry I went for a jog. I grabbed my phone and pulled in my earphones and left the house.

-1 Hour Later-

          I returned back to Mark's a sweaty mess. I closed the door and turned off the music. I walked into the kitchen and saw mark.

"Morning Cas. How long have you been awake?"

"Morning, Mark. Since 5 o'clock this morning, why?"

"Just asking. And I see you made breakfast."

I nodded in response and headed to the fridge for water then head to the bathroom to shower, then dressed in my uniform. I walked out to the living room and stood in front of Mark, Ethan, and Tyler. They all gave me the thumbs up. Mark and Tyler got themselves dressed and we got in the car and headed to the Team Edge space.

          As we arrived I hung back a bit and waited a few minutes before I headed in and made my way to the office and stopped at the door to the warehouse. I opened the door and walked inside to see everyone having fun and seeing Gunner talking to Matthias. I walked in and headed towards him. Matt turned his head to me and tapped Gunner's shoulder and turned him towards me. Gunner looked and me and smiled while starting to cry. I took off my hat and told him,

                            I'm home

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