Chapter 17~ So It Begins~

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It had been a few months since i had turned Gunner into what i was. A wolf. He did well when it came to learning to control his inner wolf. Better than i ever could.

When Gunner and i went to Las Vegas to visit his family we found out that they knew my parents, but never told Gunner cuz they were asked not to tell. I had to have Gunner translate what his mom was saying and he translated what i was answering in return. The information she gave was interesting.

She told me that when they were traveling from California to Nevada, Gunner had gotten sick and there was no cure for it. My parents came across them offered them a way to cure their son but on one condition, they were not aloud to talk about. But, Gunner pressured them to tell us when he told them that he was a wolf like me. They didn't seem surprised when he transformed into his form.  His mom told him that's what my parents showed them before healing him.

She said that my mom was a white and black healing wolf. There was a blue light that floated around her and into Gunner. My father was a brown wolf that basically made a red light appear around him and float down and into Gunner. A few moments later Gunner opened his eyes and was healed. No longer sick. Doctor's couldn't explain it and he never got sick.

After hearing what she had to say, I stood up and walked out of the room and headed out to the back yard and stood out there feeling the night cooling breeze in my hair. Gunner walked out and stood next to me.

"You alright Cas?"

"Yeah. I can't believe that my parents helped you. I thought that they didn't care about thing but themselves. They left my brother and i. To deal with this ourselves and not even taking the time to raise me, but raised my brother. It's like they didn't even care about me and they only loved my brother."

"What makes you say that? Maybe there's a reason why they left. Maybe they wanted to raise you but had to go into hiding."

"Yeah, Maybe you're right. But, i want to know why they left in the first place and the people i know why they left is my grandparents but now their both gone."

"Your Grandfather passed on?"

"Last year when i was hiding out in the woods trying to find myself."

Gunner nodded in response and draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine.

"I never did thank you?"

"For what?"

"Bringing me back to life. My parents don't need to know that i died but, i am thanking you because it showed me how much you cared and loved about me. It proved to me that not only did you show me how much you have changed and how you are completely different from your parents. There's no changing that and how you feel about them. I'll help you find them if you want. But, i have a question to ask you first before we continue on."

Gunner took his arm off my shoulder and his head off mine. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out something black. He turned to face me and got down on one knee.

"I know things have been tough on the both of us, and i know that the road is going to get crazier by the day."

He took a deep breath and spoke the words,

"Will you marry me?"

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