Chapter 15~ Loss~

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~The song above is not to be listened to near the end of the chapter. Look for 'PLAY SONG' That's when you come up to the top here and hit the play button.~

Tyler guided me into the house and into the living room. And there I saw him. Gunner, the man I loved more than life itself. He stood up and pulled his shirt down a bit before walking up to me and stopping in front just in arms reach. We looked at each other then I lunged forward and gave him a hug. After watching me hug him, Tyler left the room.

"I've missed you gunner!"

"And I missed you as well. Where have you been?"

"I've been hiding out in the.... forest, learning to control myself. Mark helped and there were many humans that would hike and come across the cabin I was in and ask for directions out."

He leaned his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I did the same in return. We both opened our eyes and looked at each other. Our bodies naturally pressed against each other and our lips moved toward one another.

The kisses were just like I remembered them. Soft and delicate. After we stopped he asked me to take a walk with him out in the forest where it would be more comfortable for the both of us. I agreed and followed him out.

We were walking for quite some time before we came to a ridge that looked over the edge of nothingness. There was a sound of breaking tree limbs that were within the trees. I turned my head quickly, and saw them.

I quickly had Gunner stand behind me and put my arms around him in protection. There was no way I was letting them get to him.

"You shouldn't have brought him here, Lockwood. You know how we feel about humans."

"You don't own this forest! None of you do!" I answer in a harsh tone.

"See that's why everyone is always upset with you. Your rude and you bring trespassers into the forest."

"Last I recall is that everyone is welcome into the forest."

The tall one with blonde hair gave a low growl when I snapped back at him. The five of them turned into their forms and stood in their stance. Gunner's eyes widen.

"Their just like you!!"

"Yeah but there not as social as me. Do you trust me?"


I concentrated and turned into my big, black wolf form and lowered myself for gunner to get on. He was hesitant at first but then climbed on after I gave a resurgent nod. I stood up on my feet and took off into the forest, running as fast as I can to escape. They ran after me, running harder and gaining speed quickly. Gunner turned his head to look at them and saw the red one coming close to my tail.

"Cas! The red one is gaining on you!"

I turned my head to look behind me then quickly kicked my legs out at him and caught him off guard. He tumbled back and fell to the ground and gave a loud yelp in sudden pain to his mouth and nose. He shook his head and stood up gaining more speed than he did before. The redd one ran to my right and pushed himself at me causing me to loose my footing and tumble over myself. Gunner was lifted off my back and i was lucky enough to catch him out of the air and bring him close to me chest and cuddle him close and my huge wolf body engulfed him.

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