Chapter 20~The pieces are coming together~

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*"* can't have that line of thinking.*"*

"Well why else would they leave? They didn't leave us because of you. Your a normal wolf. Where i'm not, I'm a crossbreed! And i'm pretty sure that I have screwed Gunner over as well."

Both Gunner and Tyler looked at each other then both spoke in unison,

"What do you mean, screw me/Gunner over?!"

"If I'm a half breed. Then wouldn't me biting him, make him a half breed as well?"

*"*I didn't think about that. Gunner? Do you feel different than you did before when she first turned you?*"

"No I feel fine. The same since she turned me."

*"*I think I might have some books in the garage about wolf angel's.*"*

"Alright shoot me a text when you've found something."

*"*Will do.*"*

I ended the video chat and closed my laptop. I leaned back in my chair and put my hand over my mouth. Gunner placed his hand on my shoulder and and then moved his hand off my shoulder and brought my head to his chest. I wrapped my left arm around his lower back and placed my hand on his hip.

"I'm still happy to be with you. I don't care if you're different. And I don't care if I'm different with you. I will always still love you. There is no doubt about it. And when Tyler calls back with something, I will be there with you every step of the way."

I looked up at him and gave him a half smile telling him that I understand. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips making it soft and delicate.

I stood up and deepened the kiss making it more passionate. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and connected them. I wrapped my around his neck and pressing my body to his.

~Couple of hours later~

As we finished unpacking the boxes and putting things away, my phone makes a sound signifying that I got a text message. I put the plates in the cupboard and closed it then headed over to my phone.

"Gunner!! Tyler found something!!"

Gunner came out of our room and stood next to me. I opened up the laptop and called Tyler via video chat. Tyler appeared on the screen and looked at the both of us.

*"*Alright, the information that I found is that when a wolf angel bites a human that has died they do not become wolf angels they are just normal wolves. Now if a wolf angel is to bite a normal wolf then that wolf will become a wolf angel. Also wolf angels have wings. Depending on the color patterns of the wolf will depend on the color of the wings. The wings can also appear when the wolf angel is in his or her human form.*"*

Tyler looked up from the old book and saw that my face was drained of blood.

"How can the wings appear?"

He looked down at the book and began to read from it again once he found what he was looking for.

*"*It says here that the wolf angel can make them appear by will or in times that are in great need.*"*

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