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A/N : Idek why but i feel like taehyung isn't as close as he was to bts before. maybe its just me and my overactive imagination/sensitivity , but moments between him and the members just don't seem as genuine as it had in the past. or basically after the small moment, he would look emo and stuff. which highkey makes me feel sad and lacking in so many feels, which is why i decided to write this fic~ <3 

also : pleasepleaseplease don't say i'm trying to start drama, this is really just my true feelings and stuff so please be understanding <3 

basically if you didn't read everything above, this will be a tae-centric fic! centered around a normal idol!au and it will contain lots of fluff and some sad parts too. it's not really angst, bc i don't think my writing skills are that good, but i hope it will tug on your heartstrings and make you love this fic ^^ 

and this is the end of my long ass a/n, thanks for reading up to now hehe~

Chapter 1 : Bang pdnim is looking for you!

"Taehyung-ah!" came the loud booming voice of their leader that echoed in the dance room. 

His eyes crinkled up when he saw Taehyung still practicing their choreography with the sunshine line. 

"I knew I would find you here!" 

In the midst of laughing at a horribly cringy joke made by Jhope, Taehyung failed to notice the entry of their beloved leader and was happily still playing around with his hyungs. Wrapping his hands around his stomach, Taehyung laughed so hard that he shook and big, fat tears rolled down his face. 

Namjoon smiled at how precious the boy was. He knew that Taehyung was one of the moodmakers in the group and having him look so happy would automatically make any other person in the room smile and be happy as well. He smirked when Taehyung finally noticed him and came barreling over immediately. Wrapping his arms around the boy to hold him steadily, Namjoon couldn't help but exclaim a "woah there!" when he steadied himself and righted the boy back up on his feet. But of course Taehyung wouldn't let go and so, Namjoon let himself enjoy the moment, burying his nose in the soft hair that Taehyung had. 

"Hyungie! Why are you here?" Taehyung finally asked after being able to peel his face away from the chest of Namjoon. 

At this, Namjoon muttered out a curse, roughly tugging Taehyung away from his body and instead opting to wrap a slim hand around taehyung's slender wrist and begin pulling him to the door. 

"Bang pdnim wants to see you Taetae and I don't know if it will be for something good for not. You already know his very famous impatient temper bursts when he has to wait for something. And oh my gosh, " Namjoon panicked even more, hastening his footsteps, tugging on Taehyung's wrist slightly harder, showing his stress, " It's already been 15 minutes! "

Taehyung frowned at seeing Namjoon stressed out. Taehyung had never liked seeing anyone stressed, especially the people he cared about, his hyungdeuls. 

So, Taehyung then tugged gently back from Namjoon's grip and smiled at the leader's panicked and questioning look. 

"Hyung, it's okay. I can go there by myself. You don't need to bring me there. " Taehyung said with his boxy smile. 

"At least this way, bang pdnim won't be able to scold hyungie!" Taehyung thought happily to himself as he gave Namjoon another hug again and left quickly to find bang pdnim. 

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