say you'll be there

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A/N : jsshjfsh hi guys! I could finally get this chapter out after like 1389235 years hdfiha i actually tried uploading this a few weeks ago but wattpad just wasn't having it for some reason :( so i came back to try again AND YES ITS FINALLY WORKING AGAIN HAHAHA yes ugh :') but here you gooo and i hope you guys enjoy this chapter! once again, i love you guys sososo much and thank you for reading my story :) (ALSO : do expect more regular  updates hehe, LOVE YOU GUYS <3) 

"W-why would he do that me?" Taehyung questioned himself as he began his long trek back to the dorms. 

The memory of the incident that just happened still fresh in his mind, he could still feel the man's filthy hands invading his body. Rushing to the bathroom, Taehyung couldn't help but vomit out all the food he had eaten before that. Hurling down the food, Taehyung felt tears prickle at the corner of his eyes, where he did not believe something like that happened. Hurriedly wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Taehyung exited the toilets and rather went to the sink to rinse his mouth out. Cupping his hands to grab some water from the tap, Taehyung looked up at the mirror and saw his disheveled state. He could not help but sob. 

Feeling a sense of helplessness, Taehyung looked in the mirror and told himself that he had to stay strong and not crumble, for the sake of his family - Bangtan. The words of the director kept repeating in his head, thoughts and concerns swirled around him, and Taehyung just could not help but feel increasingly tired. However, having firmly decided to keep this hidden as a secret, he quickly splashed some water on his face, instantly removing any signs of having cried. 

After which, he stepped out and quickly went back to the dorms, just wanting to see his hyungs happy faces' which at that point of time, would have been more than enough in giving him strength to keep plowing forward. 

With that idea of seeing his hyungs happy faces in mind, Taehyung sped walked back this time, with a different purpose. A bounce now in his step, Taehyung was excited to see his hyungs and rather, made a vow to push the incident to the deepest, darkest recesses of his mind. Having firmly decided on that, Taehyung then reached his dorms within the next 10 minutes instead of the usual 15 minutes. 

Before opening the door, Taehyung had given himself a onceover, and smoothened out his clothes to the best of his abilities. Taehyung then took a deep breath, and pushed open the doors. 

Before him, in the living room, there was almost the whole gang, individually doing their own thing. Jungkook and Jimin had been playing their game when they heard the door open and so the both of them had immediately alerted their Yoongi-hyung who was dozing off on the sofa, whereas Hoseok and RM had went into the kitchen to tell Jin hyung that Taehyung was home. Trying to pretend that he wasn't super curious and really nervous to hear about Taehyung's first audition, Yoongi acted that he did not bolt up when Jungkook and Jimin woke up him and rather sluggishly stretched and rubbed his eye when he saw Taehyung entered the doors.

'Ah, Taetae-ah, how did it go?' came Yoongi's anticipative voice. 

Taehyung opened his mouth to reply, where he wanted to say the truth so badly, however he closed it. Instead, he smiled his famous rectangular smile and said , 'It went great, hyungies! I think I'll really get the part!' 

Deep down, Taehyung wanted to scream. He wanted to never, ever step a single foot back into that studio ever again. He hated even having to remember the director's vile touch on his skin. 

He wanted nothing more but to scrub his skin off - until there were no more remnants of that director's touch on him.

 However, he knew to protect Bangtan - his family, he had no other option. He could not afford to be selfish right now. Especially seeing all of their hard work finally take off. He realised that if he were to reject the director's offer, it would be like that of stripping away all of Bangtan's future opportunities.

So, before even entering the door to their dorms, Taehyung had took a deep breath and reminded himself that it was show time. He had then decided to be the best actor there is, despite having to lie to his family, he was willing to do anything to protect them - So that his family will not find out about what's truly going on and so he can continue to keep their pristine reputation in the Korean industry - where they are all well loved and so that there would be no excuses for directors to turn them away. 

At this point of time, Taehyung had turned and looked around them. Each one of the members, their smiling faces, and he vowed to himself to always protect them. 

Even at the cost of himself. 

Or at least 

that's what would have went down. 

However, the moment he had stepped into the dorms, the other members had felt a shift in atmosphere. Yoongi, who was usually the most perceptive and fastest at sensing these kinds of things had immediately sensed something was off. So, immediately scooted over to the right and had grabbed Taehyung's hand when he saw that Taehyung's grin did not have its usual shine to it. 

'Taehyungie, tell us the truth. What's going on?' Yoongi urgently asked, putting his own hand over one of Taehyung's. 

At that point of time, Namjoon and Hoseok had come out with Jin, who had been excitedly putting away his apron when he noticed Taehyung's face. 

'H-huh? What do you mean, Yoongi-hyungie?' Taehyung's grin grew smaller, before he wrenched his hand back from Yoongi's grip and smiled even harder, 'I'm perfectly okay!' 

However, Namjoon had seen past his act of bravado and instead went over to the other side of Taehyung and sat down. 

Grabbing Taehyung's hand and gently tugging it away from his body, Namjoon saw red. 

'Taehyung-ah, what's the meaning of this?' Namjoon questioned. 

Noticing the hickeys, and the tattered shirt, Namjoon felt something flare up in him. He had felt really angry at the fact that his dongsaeng, who had went fully covered up and happily for the audition, had come back , not only looking like a complete mess but still pretending everything is okay. 

Taehyung felt his mask beginning to crack, however he knew he could not bring them into this. No matter what, he had to protect them. 

Putting up his shields, he pulled back his hand from Namjoon forcibly and instead said, 'I'm really okay, I had just fallen down earlier when I came back!'

After saying that, Taehyung stood up and began to leave the living room to go back to his room. Deep down, he knew that if he were to stay there for another minute, he would have broke down, sobbing. 

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