seokie comes in to playyy~

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Taehyung took a deep breath. Despite the previous words Yoongi had told him, he still wanted to give things a go first on his own. Being a slightly more independent kind of guy, Taehyungie already felt more than encouraged by his members' support and was already lowkey ecited to try it out on his own. 

Emerging from the toilet, Taehyung took a glance at the clock and saw that it had only been 4am. He thought of going back to sleep, but the drama nerves were getting to him, so he got up and tried rehearsing. Grabbing his script, he plonked him butt on the couch and made himself comfortable. 

Reading the script over and over again, Taehyung felt the sides of his lips curl up when he read through the script, finding his character that he was going to audition as, Hansung, to be quite entertaining and foolish. He smiled at some of the scenes, like the drinking one and his bromance together with Seojoon. However, by the end of his turn of the script, Taehyung felt his shoulders sag a bit. He suddenly felt a bit more nervous. He realised Hansung was actually a very complicated guy to portray, and couldn't help but feel worried that he would be lacking in acting out that role. 

But, at the same time, a very familiar, determined glint began to form in his eyes. He would not be throwing this opportunity away, despite the uncertainties - after all, isn't that what BTS had been about? How could he face his hyungies if he were to give up just because he was scared? Pursing his lips forward, Taehyung began re-reading the script with a renewed vigour. His only light, one of the small nightlights, to keep him company through the night. 

Ensuring that what he said would be correct, he kept mouthing the words over again and again. Never failing to smile at himself when he felt that the pronunciation was similar to the korean dictionary he had on his phone. Highlighting those he felt that he would have a hard time saying, Taehyung felt just a little bit more confident - that maybe this time, he would be able to get the role and not let BTS down. 

At this moment, a certain dancer's alarm went off. 

"Good morning, please wake up now!" came the shrilling loud noise of the alarm. 

Hoseok groaned into his pillow as he blindly fumbled for the snooze button. Casually stretching after that, he ran a hand through his hair and staggered out of his bed to the toilet. 

He was usually the kind of guy who didn't want to rush with his other dongsaengs and hyungs for the toilets and washing up, so he would put in extra effort to ensure that he would get up at least 15-20 mins before they did.

So, imagine his surprise when he saw a very familiar brunette scribbling rapidly scribbling something whilst at the couch. He scratched at his stomach, and sneaked over to see what his younger dongsaeng was doing this early in the morning. 

Even preparing to give the younger a little tickle, Hoseok crept over, tiptoeing to not let the creaky floorboards let out any noise. However, when he got there, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation of surprise. 

The brunette seemed to be buried in his script, his eyes half closed and half opened. The highlighter, had long ago fell out of his hands and his head was tilting forward at a very dangerous angle. 

Hoseokie saw the younger and couldn't help but feel more motivated as a protective feeling of the younger emerged. Gently taking the script and highlighter out the younger's hands, Hoseok was about to get a blanket for the younger, when all of a sudden Taehyung jerked awake. 


All there came was that noise as Taehyung lost his balance and immediately tumbled onto the floor. Hoseok froze in his steps, then quickly turned around and helped the younger off the floor. 

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