Taetae meets Bang Pd!

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Taehyung hastened his footsteps and finally reached Bang Pd's office. Lowkey worried about what bang Pdnim had wanted to meet him for, Taehyung took a deep breath in and knocked the door. 

"Yes, come in." came Bang Pd's reply. 

Taehyung entered the office, his eyes wide and trusting. Like a child about to be reprimanded, Taehyung stood awkwardly after closing the door and didn't go to the couch as Bang pd had expected. 

Lowkey understanding the situation, a small, sly smirk sat on Bang Pd's lips. 

"Yes Taehyung? Why did you think I called you here?" 

Biting the side of his lip and unconsciously teasing it between his lips, Taehyung mumbled, " I don't know."

Bang Pd immediately softened his gaze and gently said to him, "It's okay, Taehyungie. You didn't do anything wrong, come take a seat on the sofa. "

At this Taehyung brightened up significantly and bounced over to the sofa excitedly.

Smiling softly at Taehyung, Bang Pd took a seat opposite of Taehyung and slid over a manila envelope to him.

" So, there's a drama by Yoon Jung Shik that's been getting all the hype in the stardom agency recently. And there's this character that I think you would fit pretty well. What do you think? " Bang Pd's gaze grew serious as he took in the animated way the younger boy tore oopen the envelope and eagerly absorbed what the script had offered.

Taehyung slid his eyes from word to word, and fully grinned when he realised what sort of role he would be playing. 

Nodding his head excitedly, Taehyung said, " Yes, Bang Pdnim! I would love to take on this role!" 

Bang Pd smiled at him and said, " I thought you would like it. The audition will be held next week, so have those lines memorised by then, okay? "

Taehyung grinned and nodded when a thought suddenly occurred to him. 

Smiling hesitantly, Taehyung bit the side of his lip again and asked Bang Pd hesitantly, "Um.. what about Jin-hyung?"

Bang Pd whirled around in shock and replied, " What do you mean about Jin-hyung?"

Taehyung rushed to explain," Um... Jin hyung had always wanted to act, even earlier than me. Shouldn't he get a chance before me?"

Bang Pd felt his heart constrict and he took a good look at the once younger male that couldn't even look him well in the eye at all previously. Feeling his eyes grow moist at the growth the boy had possessed, Bang Pd gave him a soft smile and said, "It's okay, Taehyungie. Jin will have his turn too, in the future. For now, this character will be better suited for you." 

Taehyung blushed at those words of praise and nodded his head, smiling and left the office in a good mood. 

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