numero 4 !

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Taehyung was excited, but also really nervous to go back to the dorm. He knew that he had to face Jin sooner or later.

Taehyung still felt bad despite Bang Pd's reassurances that it was okay for him to be in Hwarang.

With a heavy heart, Taehyung trudged back home, deep in thought wondering what he could do to make it better for Jin.

Sighing, Taehyung didn't realise he bumped into someone.

"Ah, hyung!" Jungkook's voice rang out.

Taehyung immediately snapped out of his stupor and went to help him up.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Kookie!" Taehyung apologised immediately and helped him up.

Jungkook frowned looking at his hyung worriedly. He, for one, knew that Taehyung was a dreamer and had an uncanny ability to walk and dream at the same time. However, he also knew that Taehyung would also be smiling like a fool to himself as he looked up and walked.

Biting the side of his lips nervously, Jungkook worried his lower lip between his teeth and asked, " Taehyung hyung, is everything okay?"

Taehyung smiled a bit, and said, " Ah! Everything's okay Kookie, hyungie is just a little bit tired from today."

Instinctively knowing that things were not as simple as they seemed, Jungkook

Jungkook smiled gently, showing his bunny teeth and nodded hesitantly, watching his hyung walk away with an unstable gait back to the dorms.

Worrying his lip in between his teeth, Jungkook quietly took out his phone and sent a message out to a certain blonde haired hyung.

Back at the dorms :

Jin was stirring his soup happily, the scent of galbitang wafting throughout the dorms. Jin knew that the other members would be coming home from dinner from their own respective, individual schedules soon and decided to cook dinner for the whole bumch of them to eat and enjoy.

All of a sudden, the door opened.

Jin smiled. He could notice those footsteps anywhere.

'Taehyung ah!' He called out, excited to see the lovable second youngest of the group.

Expecting an instantaneous reply with a cute tilt of his head, Jin frowned when he noticed the lack of response coming from the usual enthusiastic boy.

Jin poked his head of the kitchen, calling again, "Taehyungie? Where are you?"

This time, Taehyung came bounding over, albeit with lesser of his expected enthusiasm and excitement.

"Yes hyungie?" Taehyung tried to play it cool, as if he wasn't guilty of doing anything wrong.

But the guilt still continued to churn and churn in his stomach.

He swallowed the feelings down and tried to look every bit the Taehyungie Jin had always knew.

However, Taehyung forgot just one thing. No matter how good of an actor he was, Jin, would always be able to notice if there was anything wrong with him. Jin had special Taehyung senses like that.

Or not.

It was actually Jungkook's message that he had sent previously to Jin that made Jin raise his eyebrows.

The message read 'Jin-hyung! I'm a bit worried about Taehyungie, he seemed out of sorts earlier when I bumped into him! Please look after him carefully when he reaches the dorms!'

Jin bristled loudly at that. Being Bangtan's eldest since their debut until now, Jin liked to think he took great care of everyone, especially the lovable V.

And so, began Jin's adventures trying to get Taehyungie to tell him what was wrong.

But, Taehyung was clearly more stubborn than Jin had expected. With every worried probe from Jin, it sent Taehyung lowkey panicking but still trying his hardest to hide the truth from Taehyung.

Jin would have thought it was almost cute the way Taehyung's eyes would shift from left to right, the way how he tried to change the subject and the tell tale sign of Taehyung lying when his nose twitched.

However, Jin didn't think it was cute at all. He was hurt.

'Does Taehyungie not trust me anymore? '

Doubts like these started to creep into his mind.

His worried expression soon caught the eye of Taehyung, who then grew concerned and worried and began to ask him what was wrong.

Jin then looked at Taehyung and asked him, "Taehyung ah, do you not like hyung anymore? Otherwise why won't you tell hyungie what happened?"

Taehyung bit his lip, and felt even more bad at seeing Jin's distraught expression when he looked at him and immediately began spilling the truth about the situation, tears threatening to drop.

"I-I was scared h-hyungie wouldn't like me anymor-more.' Taehyung sniffled out.

Jin looked at Taehyung as if he had grown 2 heads.

"Now why in heavens would I ever do that?" Jin asked.

Taehyung bit his lip so hard it was enough to break blood,

"B-because hyungie, taetae got a chance to audition for a role in hwarang." Taehyung whispered softly.

At the mention of this, Jin was exuberant. He was so so so happy for his dongsaeng! At long last, Taehyung could finally act! Jin beamed widely but grew confused by Taehyung's guilty expression.

"Taetae! Are you not excited? Hyungie knew how long you've been wanting to act and is really happy for you!" Jin smiled.

Thinking that Taehyung would be worried whether he could act well or not, he tried to help, " Don't be worried Taehyungie, hyungie will help you practise and everything! " I'm sure Jimin and the others would be super happy to help as well!"

At this, Taehyung's guilty expression shifted to one of shock.

"Hyungie, you're not mad?" Came Taehyung's unsteady voice.

"Why would hyungie be mad?" Jin wondered outloud.

"Because! Isn't acting what y-you always wanted and taetae just took it away from you!" Taehyung's tears were exploding like a waterfall by now.

The guilt rolling off him like waves.

Jin sighed and smiled. He finally realised what was happening.

'His silly, silly dongsaeng.' Jin thought fondly.

'But it was also one of the reasons why he was so loved.

Jin smiled softly, rubbing a hand over Taehyung's hair.

"Taetae, believe me when hyungie says he is very proud of you and also really happy and excited that you could be - no you definitely will be starring in a drama soon. Of course, I'll be your number one fan too!" Jin exclaimed, keeping in mind how lucky he was to have such a dongsaeng.

Taehyung, hearing his words, finally felt the guilt totally dissolve away. He jumped on his hyung, wrapping his legs around him and finally let himself be happy about the drama.


All the while, Jin felt the urge to push him away because yes, he was cooking, but when Taehyung tightened his hold, Jin sighed and smiled helplessly to himself, thinking 'Just a little bit more wouldn't hurt.'

A/N : Oh shit, its Joonie's birthday today! AHAHA happy birthday to the most amazing leader I know! ♡♡ Somehow I felt like I should have a chapter up for the leader as well but hmmm we'll see AHAHA 🙂 As always, I love you guys and tell me what ya'll think ! ♡♡

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