Shooting Dday

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A/N: heLLO I LOVE YOU GUYS and I BORAHAE U GUYS hehe AND i hope yalls are having a great day ahead! <3 :') ALSO is this story too long u guys? :/ idk i  didn't wanna make this too draggy :( 

Taehyung got into the building, bowing and greeting everybody with a smile.

His heart palpitated, but he knew the faster he got this done, the quicker he could go home. The moment he reached the director's office, Taehyung's body trembled. 

Lifting a hand to knock, Taehyung worried the side of his lip and walked in. 

Boomed the director's voice, 'Come in.'

Hesitantly, Taehyung turned the doorknob open. Immediately feeling the other's eyes on his body, Taehyung squirmed uncomfortably. 

'So, look what the cat dragged in, hmm?' The director eyed his every moment, a slow smirk made its way slowly up his face. 

Taehyung looked over at the other's face and sighed.

At this, the director slowly got up and caged Taehyung against the door. 

"Taehyungie, my sweet sweet little Taehyungie, I never would have expected you to come to me willingly by yourself. " The director slammed Taehyung against the door harder this time when he noticed Taehyung trying to escape. 

"Finally, you're about to become mine!" The director breathed into Taehyung's ear, his strength easily overpowering Taehyung. 

Taehyung just stood there, feeling his skin creep with disgust. He didn't want this, but he knew he had to get this over and done with.

Just then, there came 3 sudden raps at the door. 

The director let out an annoyed breath, and yelled, "Who is it?"

A firm voice bellowed, 'Yes, hello Director! I'm Park Seo Joon and wanted to greet you!' 

'Tch,' the director gave a glance at Taehyung. 

Motioning for the boy to move over, the director then opened the door and gave a wide smile, 'Ah yes! Hello Seo Joon-ah, i'm so glad to finally be able to work with you!' 

At the corner of his eye, Seo Joon noticed Taehyung shivering and gently probed, 'Who's this, director?'

The director followed his gaze and stared at Taehyung appraisingly. 

'Ah yes well , he's no one to pay that much attention too. His name is Kim Taehyung, from one of the groups Bangsadan or somethin.' said the director with a disinterested voice. 

Taehyung flushed at this and felt his self-confidence sorta take a plummet. 

'A-ah, it's Bangtan Sonyeondan actually, um we're known as BTS!' Taehyung hurriedly explained himself to Seo Joon, arms flailing about. 

Unexpectedly, Seo Joon found him to be rather endearing and chuckled adorably.

'Okay, but then what about you?'  he questioned lightly, trying not to seem too intimidating as from what he heard others say, he has a rather intimidating face from the get-go. 

Taehyung stared at the sunbae and could felt he was genuine interestly, and so flashed him one of his infamous boxy smiles and replied enthusiastically, 'Oh, I'm Kim Taehyung from BTS! But many people call me Taetae and Seo Joon-ssi, you can do that if you want too!' 

Seo Joon saw his blinding smile and could not help but feel a sudden warmth spread through his whole body. At first, he didn't know what this warm feeling was, but he will soon realise it to be protectiveness

Smiling back to the younger warmly, Seo Joon jokingly retorted, 'Yah, how can I call you taetae if you're so formal with me? Call me hyung-ah!' 

At this, Taetae pretended to be affronted. But, he soon broke out into one of his rectangular grins and said, 'Okay hyungie!' 

The director was observing this interaction very, very closely. He couldn't but feel a sudden rush of jealousy surge through him. 

He knew deep down he did not want anyone else touching or even looking at "his Taehyungie". 

'Why doesn't he look at me this way?! Why doesn't he smile at me like this?' Ugly thoughts like these reared its ugly head out and soon it became too unbearable. 

Physically using his body to block off Taehyung and Seo Joon, the director then stated, 'Seo Joon-ah, don't you have something else to do? Taehyung and I had some things to go through with over here.' 

Noticing Taehyung's rapidly paling face, Seo Joon hurriedly retorted, 'Ah actually director, is it okay if I bring him out to meet the rest of the boys? I'm sure he would love to get to know them!' 

At this, the director grunted. Visibly showing his unhappiness, but he knew he could not afford to reject Seo Joon's offer as he may look suspicious, he then gave his permission.

Before leaving however, he took in one last look at Taehyung and smirked nastily, 'But, Seo Joon-ah? Don't hog him, yeah? Return him back to me in a few hours time max.'

At his look, Seo Joon knew better than to test the director's patience and so smiled and nodded at him as he pushed Taehyung out the door. 

The last thing Taehyung remembered seeing was the absolutely sinister look on director's face, before he was being dragged away by no one other than Seo Joon. 

The moment they went out the door, Taehyung let out a huge breath of air and sagged his body against the door. He couldn't help but feel way more relieved after the whole saga that occured earlier. 

Ever the observant one, Seo Joon noticed his actions and hesitantly asked, 'What's wrong, Taetae-ah?' 

Taehyung took a look at Seo Joon and knew he couldn't afford to burden him, as his conscience wouldn't let him down.

'It's nothing, Seo-Joon hyung!' Taehyung said, the sides of his mouth crinkling upwards cutely. 

'Come on, let's go! I wanna see the rest of the hyungies!' Taehyung said, bouncing excitedly from where he stood. 

Now Seo Joon was no mind reader, but even he knew when someone was acting weirdly. However, seeing as how he had just met the boy, he didn't want to get to involved. Plus, this would just be a short acting job and they most probably wouldn't see each other ever again. Or at least this was what he thought as he nodded his head and actively led the boy to the dressing rooms of the other actors, still lowkey excited for the rest to meet Taehyung - especially Minho who was determined that he would not be able to click with the younger.

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