Taetae and Yoongs ♡

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After the whole fiasco with Jin, Taehyung was exhausted. More than that even.

After getting his snuggles promising ten thousand times of believing that his hyung would never ever do something as horrible as that, Taehyungie was more than ready to retire his tired self into the room and sleep.

Yawning, he gently rubbed his eye with one hand and stretched.

"Ah~ I'm so tired but there's still so much work to do" Taehyung whined in his head, a pout forming on his lips.

At this, Yoongi walked in and saw Taehyung pouting. The elder smirked to himself and crept up behind him.


Taehyung felt his heart burst.

"Hyungie you scared meee!" Taehyung pouted even more.

Yoongi chuckled and wrapped his arms around the younger, giving him a backhug.

"Ah, but you look so cute when you're thinking." Yoongi tightened his hold around the younger.

"Is there anything wrong, Taehyungie? You know you could always come to me to talk."

Taehyung felt the corners of his lips lift at this.


"Also, I heard you're going for an audition in Hwarang?" Yoongi asked curiously. 

He always knew the younger male had a flair for acting with his monologues and whatnot, but never did he expect the younger to actually try it out. So, he was more than excited in hearing Taehyungie finally try his hand at it. 

"Yes, yoongi-hyungie! Taetae's really excited for it! B-but.." Taehyung took a deep breath in. 

Yoongi knew that Taehyung tended to speak in 3rd person when he got excited, and couldn't help but think the younger boy in front of him was really so cute. 

A gummy smile made its way onto his lips automatically.

"Awww Taehyungie, why are you so cute? Ahaha~" Yoongi teasingly said this as he tickled the younger's sides. 

"Ah~ hyuung!" Taehyung laughed aloud, knowing that this silver haired hyungie in front of him would only show the more cuter side of him when he thought no one was around. 

Taehyung felt he was really privileged to be witnessing this particular side of his hyung and tried his hand at tickling him back as well. 

Yoongi stayed strong however and grabbed the younger's hands with one hand, unintentionally trapping him between his thighs. 

Both of them were breathless with laughter at this point of time, their eyes were twinkling with adoration, staring into each other's eyes. 

"Quick, Taehyungie, tell hyungie what's wrong~" Yoongi urged.

He knew that he had to push at this point of time, otherwise Taehyung would just withdraw back into himself. 

Keeping everything to himself and pretending it's all okay. That was just how the boy was like. 

Taehyung knew from the look on his hyung's face, he wouldn't be getting out of this without a good explanation. 

He sighed and whimpered, "Okay hyungie, but let me go first."

Yoongi smiled to himself, satisfied. Taehyungie was finally willing to share what was troubling him now. 

"Okay, quick! Tell your hyungie what's going on." Yoongi said firmly after getting up, an eyebrow raised.

Taehyung brought his knees up to his face and leaned his head on them. 

"It's just.. Taetae's afraid he won't be able to do well for the auditions on Monday. There's so many things to memorise for Hansung's role! What if I mess up and ruin BTS's name? I would never be able to forgive myself hyungie!" Taehyung nervously said, one of his bad habits ticking in as he bit the top of his thumb in an attempt to feel better.

Yoongi felt himself heave a sigh of relief. Then, immediately began laughing. 

"Hyungie!" Taehyung exclaimed in dismay, " Taetae's being serious!" 

Yoongi couldn't help but find the younger male in front of him getting cuter and cuter by the minute. 

"Taehyungie, you would never be able to bring down BTS's name. Not even if you tried. BTS is built up by everybody who supported us, and these people are really amazing and strong, so we won't be brought down that easily!" 

Taehyung sniffled in response, and Yoongi took it as his cue to continue. 

"See, Taehyungie, if you're worried about memorising the lines, you can always come to me or anyone else in Bangtan for help! I would lowkey recommend Namjoon because of that gigantic brain he has. Or Jungkook. You and I both know the maknae is absolutely whipped for you! Or anyone for that matter," Yoongi's eyes softened " Even me. "

Taehyung felt himself melt inside. He knew deep down what Yoongi was saying was true, but he really didn't want to pose as an inconvenience to others. 

"Hyungie, Taetae knows." he whispered. 

Yoongi knew that tone. It was when Taehyung has something else to say, and so, the silver haired male stroked his hair and waited patiently. 

Taehyung felt himself lean into his touch and continued, "I just don't want to bother anyone. All of us seem so busy hyungie, Chimchim and Seokie hyung has their dance practices, you and Joonie hyungie have to compose and Kookie and Jinnie hyung surely has their own things to do as well." 

Taehyung trailed off, feeling the sudden stroking on his hair stop. He whined in response, until the stroking began again. 

Yoongi felt himself grow sad at Taehyung's thinking. He felt this must not have been the first time Taehyung has been thinking this way. He had hardly any serious kind of conversations with the younger before at all and so didn't know this was how he had been thinking this whole time. 

"Taetae, it's okay to bother us, you know? Even Jungkookie always comes bounding to us when he doesn't know how to do things. Jiminie tries to keep things to himself too and that already breaks our hearts but he's more transparent so it's easier to see. But, Taehyungie, hyungie never knew you were thinking like this until now. And it really breaks my heart even more. Please come bother us, we don't want to have you keep thinking like that. We're a team and we should all be there for each other, you know?" Yoongi felt his face glow red, but he swallowed his saliva and continued, "We all love you, you know? Hyungie loves you one of the most as well, so it's okay and just let us spoil you okay?"

At this point of time, Taehyung was beside himself with joy. Trembling, tears were running down his cheeks and he was vibrating in happiness. 

He always knew he was loved, but maybe he felt neglected once in a while. Yoongi knew first hand how that felt, and he thought to himself, "It never hurt to get a reminder anyway. "  as he continued to gently run his fingers through the boy's hair, until the boy fell asleep.

Unbeknownst to him, a gentle smile was on his face the whole time. 

A/N : YAAAYY I'VE FINALLY UPDATEDDD :D Alsoo, exams WILL be over on monday, so do expect another chapter up soon ;) And i didn't really expect this chapter to have Taehyung act like such a babyboy lmao BUT i couldn't help it :/ soo yeaa :) ALSO IM HELLA HAPPY ABT DNA'S 10TH WIN OMG!! <3<3<3 As expected, armies are amazinggg!! <3 hehe but we have more votings to do guys and we can definitely do it! GO VOTE ON MWAVE guyyyss hehe :') Once againn, thank you for reading and voting on this story btw hehe, I hella appreciate you guys :') <3<3<3

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