Taetae at the audition

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A/N : Ya'lls i've been really, really sad lately. I just feel so sick and tired all the time :( I don't know why but I have felt like crying SO much more this year compared to the last and that kinda really sucks a lot :( I'm having a really hard time now guys, please take care of me lots right now and please shower me with love <3 ALSO I get that there wasn't really much of Taehyung practising with the rest of BTS, so if you guys want those chapters, please do let me know! :) ALSO the other oneshots / chapters I asked ya'll to vote for that day will be released slowlyyy, the first one will be out latest by this Friday too, so do look out for that! I love you guys SO much btw and so yeah, i hope your 2018 is going great so far <3

*Trigger Warning : Mentions of rape + angst ! (I'm sorry!) 

* Take note its only a BTS x Taehyung fic, NOT everyone x Taehyung fic, so please be understanding for this chapter, thank you! 

Taehyung took a deep breath and looked around. He was full of apprehension. Arriving to the audition venue alone, Taehyung was filled with self-doubt once again. 

Remembering the constant practice and character analysis he did, he tried to put himself into Hansung's shoes and get in character, but kept failing miserably. 

Taehyung sighed and rolled open his script once more, deciding to take a seat and rehearse his lines instead. Maybe that would be able to help him get into character much more easily as compared to before. 

However, it wasn't working out. Taehyung kept feeling someone else's eyes on him and he couldn't get into Hansung's mindset at all. Firmly gripping his script in his hand, Taehyung felt his heartbeat accelerate and looked up. 

Realising he was no longer alone, Taehyung quickly stood up and bowed. Standing in front of him was Hwarang's director, Yun Seong-Sik. Taehyung bowed deeply and straightened up when he heard Seong Sik's rich chuckle. 

"Hi there, you must be Taehyung." Seong Sik said, placing a hand on the younger's shoulder.

Taking it as a friendly gesture, Taehyung simply smiled and nodded his head happily. 

The director, noticing Taehyung's bright smile, couldn't help but feel an urge start to itch. A very familiar urge, one full of evil intent. 

"This boy looks so pure," the director thought. "He will be so fun to, " Seong Sik licked his lips, " ruin." 

Still oblivious to the man's intentions, Taehyung believed fully the director's friendly act. Dropping his guard, Taehyung began treating the elder more like that of a friend and then divulged how hard he thought it was to get into Hansung's character. 

Fully extending out a listening ear to Taehyung's grievances, Seong Sik then told him, 'Taehyung ah, it's okay. Hansung is a character made just for you, only you can play him.' 

Taehyung heard Seong Sik's words and felt just a tiny bit comforted. Looking up at the director with trusting eyes, the familiar gentle lilt Taehyung had when he got insecure came out, "Seong Sik hyung really thinks I can do it?"

The elder saw the raw trust in the younger's eyes and grinned predatorily, "Yes, of course." 

Heading over to lock the door to the audition room, Seong Sik then placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder and asked, " Why not you show me your audition, Taehyungie? Before the rest come in." 

Taehyung, despite thinking it weird that he was the only auditionee who came to the scene, nodded his head excitedly and wanted to show Seong Sik all that he got. 

Taehyung then took a deep breath and like clockwork, he fell into the character of Hansung immediately. The innocent lilt in his voice came out as he pretended to grab and object and put it towards the light, seeing it more clearly for what it was before beginning his self monologue. 

Throughout this whole time, Seong Sik had been entranced. He had been entranced not by Taehyung's skill, rather, he had been entranced by the innocence and beauty that Taehyung had radiated. 

His whole head was filled with thoughts about deflowering the young male, and planned to take away the innocence in the younger's eyes. Seong Sik could not help himself but let his mind stray to these vile thoughts. 

Internally he thought, " Thank goodness Bang Shihyuk told me to do him a favour and let Taehyung come in a few hours early to give him the evaluation as they had conflicting schedules later. Otherwise, I may never get this opportunity ever again." 

Smirking, Seong Sik then walked towards Taehyung and placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder yet again. Taehyung almost immediately broke out of character and looked to Seong Sik with expectant eyes. 

"Seong Sik hyung, how did I do?" came Taehyung's excited tone, quite confident and happy at how he acted earlier on. 

Seong Sik, although slightly impressed, hid it and chose to look slightly disappointed. Folding his arms across his chest, Seong Sik shook his head and said, " I was expecting more from you, Taehyung. This level of acting is not only disappointing, it's not even worth looking at! "

With every word, Taehyung felt himself deflate and the excitement that mirrored that of a child slowly faded away too. 

Seong Sik, on the other hand, found himself getting more and more excited with Taehyung looking sadder and sadder. At the end of his speech, however, he then placed both hands on Taehyung's shoulder and decided to give him a little bit of hope. 

"However, I wouldn't mind giving you some extra training on the side so you would be able to act well, Taehyungie." 

Turning his face from the previous disappointed look to one that oozed compassion and care, Seong Sik could feel Taehyung's determination slowly bubble up and he mentally grinned in excitement. 

"But it all depends on you." 

Taehyung looked up at him, lost. 

"What do you mean, hyung?" 

Seong Sik then let out his feral grin. Pushing Taehyung onto the empty seats behind him, Seong Sik then climbed in between his legs and held his hands down. 

Grinning, Seong Sik said, "I like to be fair Taehyungie. We're both busy people, I can easily give you the role as long as you are ready to give back to me too." 

Taehyung felt shocked. 

"W-what?" Taehyung asked in a small voice, unable to believe what was currently happening to him. 

Seong Sik, taking that as a sign of submission, stretched his lips into a full out grin and said, "Yeah, don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. Come on, if you let this happen, the role is yours."

Taehyung, having realised what was happening to him, started struggling. Trying to disengage the grip Seong Sik had around his wrists, Taehyung twisted and squirmed his body here and there, to no avail. Trying to use his legs to kick Seong Sik away, Seong Sik simply laughed at his failed attempts.

"I guess you really do want this, huh," Seong Sik bared his teeth and dove in to Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung trashed his head about, trying to make Seong Sik back off. However, it was not working out. Seong Sik had then put most of his lower body weight on Taehyung's legs, rendering them immobile. 

"Taehyung ah, give up already, there's nobody here to save you." Seong Sik breathed into Taehyung's ear, remnants of the cigarette smoke making its way to Taehyung's nose. 

Taehyung wrinkled his nose in disgust, and frustrated, hot tears began to stream down his face. 

"Am I really going to be left here like this?" Taehyung thought to himself, as Seong Sik continued nosing around and trying to mark up his neck. 

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