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A/N 2: For real though yalls, reading yalls comments really gets my sososo happy and I-idk im just so emotional that we got to 20k fking views like WOW omg this is so amazing rn and uGH i just love you guys so much hahahaha wow, but please keep reading on and yeah, I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH FK <3 :') ALSO FAKE LOVE IS SUCH A BOP YALLS :'D I LOVED ALL OF THEIR LOOKS AND STYLES AND OMG i fell so deep in this comeback again :D but yes yalls didnt come here for this hahaha, the story's down below! :) 

It had been a few days since that fateful incident had occurred and a certain Kim Taehyung had been determined to be okay. 

Granted, the aftereffects had been daunting, but Taehyung had tried his best to keep on going and working hard. No matter what, he did not want to burden his other members of Bangtan, and so decided to keep everything to himself. All of his concerns, all of his worries, he kept them locked away in his heart, and threw the key away. He was not ready to deal with what had happened that day head on, much less share them with the rest. 

Even though Taehyung loved his members a lot and the idea of protecting them kept staying in his mind, he couldn't help but feel bitter. He was jealous of the carefree lifestyles they had, in comparison to his. While they concerned themselves with choreography and singing, Taehyung was frightened to death. Every night, he would wake up in cold sweat, having the hideous images of that director pop up in front of him, leering his smirk over and over again. 

By the time a few more days had passed, Taehyung had been more than exhausted. He was thoroughly depleted of all his energy. Instead of focusing on the choreography, Taehyung was barely able to keep himself standing straight, constantly hoping that by now, the director would have lost interest in him and maybe change his target onto others. 

At the same time, Taehyung would feel bad for thinking that way and instead simply hoped for the director to stop his ill intentions and change his ways. 

Time flew by, and a week passed. Taehyung lay awake on his bed, hoping that everything would be okay. Soon, he heard a couple of knocks on his door.

Vibrating with excitement, Namjoon stormed in and called out, 'Taehyung-ah, wake up! The audition results are out!' 

Taehyung felt as if his heart was going to leap out. Within seconds, he shot up from his bed and brisk walked out of his room. Heading straight to the living room, he saw the other Bangtan members already on Skyp* with Bang pdnim and smiled sheepishly when Bang pdnim turned to look at him with a disapproving glance. 

'Taehyung ah, why did you take so long to come?' Band Pdnim questioned gently.

Taehyung simply smiled to cover up his reluctance at looking at the results. Instead, he bounced on his feet and grinned, 'So, how are the results?'

On the surface, Taehyung looked the absolute same as he always did. However, deep down, he was ridden with anxiety and really hoped that he did not get in. 

'Taehyung-ah, you got in!' 

Taehyung's mind was shook. The hootings and celebratory noises from his band members and boss felt so distant. 

Taking a look around, he saw the gleeful expressions on their faces. He could mentally see Bang Pdnim already thinking about all of the exposure BTS would get, and all of the other potential chances the other members that is now possible for them to reach. 

In a heartbeat, Taehyung knew what to do.

'A-ah, yay! T-Taetae got in!' Taehyung smiled, bringing out his acting abilities to the best of his potential. 

The other members surrounded around him all felt something was off with his behaviour, but brushed it off once they saw his happy smile. They felt genuinely happy for him and couldn't help but want to celebrate. 

'Taehyung-ah! Hyung is so proud of you! Do you want to go eat some kimchi jjingae for dinner? Hyung will treat you!' Jin's boisterous voice exclaimed. 

Yoongi got up and ruffled his dongsaeng's hair, 'Yah, you deserved it brat, don't go all soft on us now.' 

Hoseok and Jimin opted for barrelling into Taehyung with their arms open wide, proud of their fellow family member, and crushing him into their chests. 

Jungkook smiled his famous bunny smile and went over to join his hyungs for the hugfest as well. 

At this point of time, Taehyung had no regrets. 

No matter how hard it was, he would protect his family. 

A few hours later, the skype call had ended and Taehyung was back in his room. Despite the happy mood outside, he could not help but feel apprehensive. He felt so troubled. No matter what, he had no intentions of letting his own troubles bring his family down. 

However, at the same time, he could not help it but really felt like rejecting the offer. Every single day since that day, he would remember those hands. The hands that touched him and violated his body. 

He hated it. 

Taehyung sighed. Hearing a sudden 'ping!' coming from his phone, Taehyung went over and saw he had received a text. 

'You thought that would have been the end of me, didn't you?' sent : 9:17pm

Taehyung felt his eyes water up with tears. The next notification came through within a few minutes.  

'Think again, slut.'  sent : 9:19pm

At this point of time, Taehyung was tired. He was done, exhausted and mentally burnt out. 

With shaky fingers, he texted back. 

'Why are you doing this to me?'  sent : 9:20pm

Snapping out of his haze, Taehyung gasped at what he had done and threw his phone down on his bed.  

Terrified, Taehyung picked his phone up when he heard the ping! 

"Because I can."  sent : 9.21pm

Taehyung's eyes widened and he felt his hands get clammy. 

However, as time slowly passed, Taehyung felt himself grow increasingly frustrated at himself. Burning with anger,  Taehyung thought in his head,' Who the heck did this guy think he was to be able to do this to him?' 

Just then, a knock came on his door.

'Taehyung-ah, Jin-hyung has finished cooking, come out soon!' A loud, familiar voice bellowed.

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