Bookworms {Sugawara Koushi} (Request)

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You and Sugamama meet in a library and pass your time talking about books! Reader is shy upon request
Requested by @booktopus

As the final bell rang, signalling the end of another long school day, you let out a long sigh of relief. Now that your classes were done for the week, you decided to treat yourself with a visit to your favorite library a couple of blocks from Karasuno High School.

Unlike any of the other teenagers who attended Karasuno High School, your idea of an entertaining Friday afternoon was a visit to a library, followed by a quiet evening spent reading the book you selected.  While you made a beeline for the library after school, practically every other student heading out the gates avoided any additional sources of learning or information like the plague.

Sure, people poked fun at you for being such a big bookworm, but you didn't really care. Reading was an escape for you since you could venture into any world you wanted to without having to actually go anywhere. That in and of itself was amazing to you, so you didn't quite understand why your fellow peers knocked the opportunity to find something interesting to read that was unrelated to school.

When you finally arrived at the library after a short journey, you opened the doors and breathed in the familiar and comforting smell of books and slightly old carpeting that made you smile each time you entered. After being a regular at this library for however many years, you knew the inside of it like the back of your hand, and you wasted no time in making your way to the section filled with new arrivals.

As you scanned the numerous shelves filled with seemingly limitless amounts of books, you couldn't help but notice another person approach the section as well and spend some time looking around. You wanted to look at the person, but you didn't want to be blatantly obvious about it, so you pretended to look at books near him so that you could examine him out of the corner of your eye. He looked very familiar with his gray hair, friendly features, and slightly taller build. Wasn't he on the volleyball team...?

You stopped yourself before your mind could drift any further from your goal and turned your attention back to the pressing matter at hand: what book you were going to spend the next however many days reading in your free time. This was serious business.

When you'd finally found a book that tickled your fancy, you reached for it, only to have the guy next to you reach for it at the same time.

"Oh! Uh... I'm sorry, did you want to look at that book?" you asked nervously and withdrew your hand with lightning speed.

"It's okay! You can go ahead and look at it," he responded with a sheepish smile. You could've sworn you saw a hint of red on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"O-okay..." you stammered, taking the book off the shelf and reading the back of it. Once you'd finished, you commented, "It sounds interesting. Well, if you're into this kind of plot," and handed the book to him.

He thanked you and smiled warmly as he accepted the book from you and scanned the back of it before nodding in agreement with you. "It does sound good."

"Well, there's only one on the shelf, so you can read it first if you want," you offered shyly.

"No, you read it first! And when you're done, you can just give it to me," he suggested calmly before his brown eyes widened and he added, "If t-that's okay with you, of course!"

You looked down at your feet and readjusted your hair as you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks. "Don't worry; that's f-fine!" was your rather enthusiastic response. You internally kicked yourself for stuttering once again, but cut yourself some slack when you realized that he had just done it as well.

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