Falling for Jack Avery ch.10

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I woke up at 3:30 am with a bad vibe. I heard the water running in the bathroom.

I walked to bathroom noticing the lights were off. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

I ran back to the room where Liz was gone.

"Oh shit!" I whisper yelled.

I ran back to the locked bathroom banging on the door.

"Liz!! Open up!" I yelled.

The boys ran over to see what was happening.

"Help me open it!!" I yelled at them.

"She's trying to drown herself, but I don't think that's her." I said.

Then boys knocked the door down and I saw Liz under water. I ran to her pulling her out of the tub.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Liz yelled.

"Liz?" I asked softly.

"Get out bitch!" Liz yelled.

"Liz. Stop it. That's not you!" I yelled back.

All of the sudden she started having an anxiety attack. Then she was fine a second after.

"Hi." She said smiling.

"Liz?" I asked knowing that wasn't her.

"It's me. I'm Liz." She said.

"Let's get you back to sleep ok." I said as I glanced behind me at the boys.

"Ok." Liz smiled.

Then Liz started having another anxiety attack. Soon she was passed out on the bathroom floor.

"Liz? Liz wake up." I said.

"What I was sleeping." She said.

"You don't remember any of that?" I asked.

"Remember what?" She asked confused.

I got Liz up and back to bed. The whole rest of the night was normal.

Next day

"Ok guys you ready?" I asked.

Everyone nodded their heads as we walked in Jacks room singing happy birthday.

We had a cake and confetti. We saw Jack wake up smiling.

"Your 18 bro." The boys said.

"Happy birthday Jack." I smiled.

Jack smiled back at me.

"Here eat your cake." Liz said.

I turned around to everyone nodding my head once. Then they left the room.

"So I was thinking we could go somewhere tonight. Only if you want though." I said.

Falling For Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now