Falling for Jack Avery ch.21

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"I'll go check it out." Jack said.

"Be careful." I nodded.

He smiled and walked downstairs quietly. I was sitting there waiting for him to come back.

"Daniel!" I heard him yell.

I walked downstairs to Daniel standing there with a girl. She had brownish greenish eyes with brown hair.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Nothing." Daniel replied.

"Oh really you just snuck a girl home." I laughed.

"Hi I'm Jordan." The girl smiled.

"I'm Gabby." I smiled back.

"Just carry on." Jack motioned trying not to laugh.

"Well I'm going back to bed." I said.

Jack and I walked back upstairs. He fell asleep quick, but I couldn't sleep. I stared at the ceiling and just thought about things.

I eventually fell asleep. I woke up and it was 1:35 pm. I walked downstairs and Jack wasn't there, but Daniel was down there.

"Hey Daniel." I smirked.

"Shut up." He laughed.

"So who's Jordan?" I asked.

"We're friends." He claimed.

"Just friends? Daniel you don't have to sneak your friends inside at 2 in the morning." I said.

"Can you keep a secret?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"Jordan and I are dating. We've been dating for about a month." He said.

"I knew it." I smiled.

"Well good for you getting out there." I said.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"By the way where's Jack?" I asked.

"Skateboarding." He said.

"Ok thanks." I said.

"Bella." I called out.

She came running down stairs.

"Want to go for walk?" I asked in a baby voice.

She staring jumping up and down and barking. I put the leash on her collar and walked out. I walked her to the end of the street then to the park.

"Oh hey Jack." I smiled.

"Hey Gabby." He said.

"How's skateboarding going?" I asked.

"Good I guess." He said.

Are you ok?" I asked.

Jack stopped skateboarding.

"Ooh serious." I joked.

"I'm going on tour." He said.

"That's awesome." I smiled.

"But I won't see you for a couple months." Jack shook his head.

"That's ok, there's FaceTime. I just want you to have fun." I reassured him.

"When does it start?" I asked.

"In a month." Jack sighed.

"Hey maybe I might come to one of the shows and surprise you." I smiled.

"Yeah." He smiled back.

Jack walked to me and put his arm around me and we walked home. When we got home I took Bella's leash off and she ran off in the house.

A gave Jack a kiss on the cheek and walked upstairs. I sat down and went on my phone. I was kind of bummed I wouldn't be able to see Jack for a few months, but as long as he's having fun I'll be happy.

Sorry this chapter was short I just had to update. I promise the next chapter is coming out soon and will be long (that's what she said...what? XD)  thanks for reading love you all. Okie bye

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