Falling for Jack Avery ch.19

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I woke with my face wet, but then dry at the same time. It was probably from all crying. I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"I'm starving." I said while yawning.

"Lucky for you I just made pancakes." Liz said putting a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"You know what I don't think I'm hungry anymore." I said with a disgusted look on my face.

"You just said you were hungry." Liz snapped.

"I'd rather eat sticks than your pancakes." I said.

"My food is delicious." Liz disagreed.

"Your pancakes are shit. You ruined pancakes for me." I complained.

"What!" Liz yelled.

"I'm going to a restaurant where they have real pancakes." I said getting up.

"Fine go. I'll eat my pancakes!" She yelled.

I walked out of the apartment and got into my car. I drove to iHop and walked inside. The host walked me to my table and I sat down.

I ordered what I wanted, pancakes of course and then I went on my phone.

"Gabby?" A voice asked.

I looked up and saw Aspen. I clenched my fists. It took every ounce in my body not to knock her out.

"What do you want?" I asked in a bitchy tone.

"I saw you here and I wanted to talk to you about Jack." She smiled.

What the hell why was she smiling?!

"That's it." I said banging my fist on the table.

I stood up and punched her in the face.

"Ok I deserved that." Aspen said wiping blood from her face.

"You don't deserve a punch to he face. What you deserve is an ass beating!" I yelled getting furious.

"Hey chill I need to talk to about Jack." She said.

I itched my arm and then Aspen flinched and held her hands up in front of her face acting like I was gonna hit her again. Which I wouldn't mind doing.

"Ok talk." I said crossing my arms.

"Jack didn't cheat on you. I'm sorry I had a crush on him. I guess I was jealous of you two and I wanted him. I dragged him upstairs even though he kept telling me he needed to get to you. I kissed him, but he didn't kiss back." Aspen explained.

"And I should believe you why?" I asked.

"I don't lie." She said.

"But you do kiss other girls boyfriends." I rolled my eyes.

"Please believe me." She begged.

"But why did Daniel and Zach try to stop me from seeing you kiss Jack?" I asked.

"I told them not to let you up there. But I didn't tell them why." Aspen said.

"Wow and people actually like you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Bitch." She whispered.

She threw a punch, but I blocked it and punched her in the throat. She held her hands to her neck indicating she couldn't breathe. But it was just the wind being knocked out of her.

"Ooh my pancakes are coming." I smiled.

I kicked Aspen out if the way and the worker put my pancakes on the table.

"Everything ok with you two?" The lady asked.

"Perfect." I smiled.

The lady nodded her head and went back into the kitchen. I finished my food and payed. I walked outside and into my car.

I drove back home and jumped on the couch.

"Help." I said to Liz.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"So Aspen was at iHop and she told me everything that happened between Jack and her." I explained.

"Do you believe her?" Liz asked.

"I don't know. I want to, but I barely know her." I said while taking a deep breath.

"Maybe you should give Jack another chance." Liz suggested.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"When should I do it?" I asked.

"Now?" She asked.

"I'll try, but if I cry plan a funeral for me." I said shaking my head.

Once again I got in the car. I drove to the Why Don't We house. I knocked on their door and Daniel opened it.

"Gabby, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"To talk." I said walking inside.

Daniel got Zach downstairs and we talked about what happened. Turns out it's true what Aspen claimed.

"I'm sorry guys." I apologized giving them hugs.

"Now Jack's turn." I said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Upstairs he hasn't been the same since the incident happened." Zach said.

I nodded my head and walked up to his room. I took a deep breath and softly knocked on his door.

"Go away whoever you are!" Jack yelled.

"Jack....it's me....Gabby." I said softly.

The door opened quickly and he let me come in his room. There was an awkward silence for a little until he broke it.

"I'm sorry. I do care about you Gabby." Jack said.

"Is it true you told her no and didn't kiss back?" I asked.

"Of course. Your the only girl I'll ever want to be with." Jack reassured me while he picked up my hand and held it.

"I'm sorry I thought you cheated." I apologized.

"No, no, no you don't have to apologize. I understand it did look like I cheated on you." Jack said.

I hugged Jack and started tearing up. He hugged me back tightly. We didn't let go for about 1 minute.

"You make me so happy Gabby. I'm glad out of everyone in this world I'm with you." Jack smiled.

I smiled back and kissed him on the lips. We cuddled and I fell asleep in his arms. Jack was truly the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter. I love you guys so much. Keep reading. Hope you enjoyed. Okie bye :)

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