Falling for Jack Avery ch.26

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I woke up and everyone was gathering their things up. I feel like every time I wake up we are always going somewhere.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Beach." Liz said.

I fell back on the bed and closed my eyes until someone picked me up. I opened my eyes and was Jack.

"Good morning." I said while giving him a kiss.

He carried me to the bathroom because I wouldn't get up and set me down in there. He walked out and I put my bathing suit on.

"Ready." I called out to everyone.

"It's about time." Everyone mumbled.

We walked to the beach because it was right by our hotel. We set our things down and I sat down on my towel.

"Wow there's like no one here, but us." I said.

"I know right." Liz said.

"Hold on I'm gonna go with Daniel." Jordan smiled.

"Just us two now" Liz said.

"Wait I'm gonna with Jack, I'm kidding I'm gonna stay with you for a few." I joked.

I laid down, but Liz was still sitting and had a sad expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." She shrugged.

"No something is wrong I'm not a dumbass." I said.

"Ok fine I'm just sad that Daniel and I broke up." She confessed. (If you don't remember Daniel and Liz dated)

"Oh I'm sorry." I said.

"But I'm just glad he's happy. Jordan and Daniel deserve each other and you know I don't mean that in a rude way." She said still sad.

"It's ok." I said giving her a hug.

"Why am I so single?" Liz complained.

"Why don't you get a boyfriend?" I asked.

"I just want some one that's close to me not a stranger." She said.

"I know what you mean." I nodded my head.

~Rewind to the past~

I walked down the stairs because I heard yelling. It sounded like Daniel and Liz. I was now at the end of the stairs and it was Daniel and Liz fighting.

"What's wrong?" I asked even though I didn't want to get involved.

"Daniel is leaving me for someone else." Liz said crossing her arms.

"I found someone else. They make me happy." Daniel said.

"Oh so I don't make you happy?" Liz asked.

"You do, but the feeling is different with this girl." He confessed.

Liz rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I can't believe you!" She yelled.

"Guys calm down." I said.

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